TV’s Dr Zoe Williams urges Londoners: “Don’t ignore these signs of hearing loss”


EXPERTS are encouraging people to stop ignoring telltale signs of hearing loss, as new research reveals that 58% of Londoners admit they may need to get their hearing checked.

The research was carried out by Specsavers’ hearing experts, who have teamed up with TV’s Dr Zoe Williams to encourage people to get help if they notice any changes.

Fear and stigma play a huge part in why so many haven’t taken any action with 13% admitting they have put off getting a hearing check because of embarrassment.

Dr Zoe explains: “A lot of people put off getting a hearing check, for some as long as 10 years[1], because they’re worried or embarrassed. It’s actually very normal for our hearing to change as we get older, but there are things you can do to get back to clearer hearing, so it’s important people don’t just put up with it.”

Mishearing things
“It’s easy to assume because we can still ‘get the gist’, our hearing is ‘ok’ and we don’t need to do anything,” says Dr Zoe, who has teamed up with high-street hearing experts Specsavers to help people recognise early signs of hearing loss. “But if you’re one of the 71% of Londoners that frequently hears common words and sayings wrong, you might have some hearing loss.”

Finding phone conversations hard work
Dr Zoe says: “Telephone lines tend to compact sound, which makes it harder to pick up on some of the finer details.

“If you find yourself avoiding the phone or saving big conversations for when you can see someone in person, it might be an early indication of hearing loss. The sooner you get to the bottom of what’s going on with your hearing, the more that can be done to preserve your hearing and prevent future hearing loss, so don’t ignore it until other signs crop up too.”

Struggling to hear over background noise
“This is one of the earliest signs that your hearing is not as clear as it used to be,” adds Dr Zoe. “If you find it hard to make out conversation whenever there’s background noise – for example, background chatter in bars and restaurants, or even just the noise of a windy day – it’s worth ruling out hearing loss.

“Sadly, a lot of people ignore this sign for a long time with some even avoiding social situations, which can in turn leave people feeling isolated or even lead to depression. With quick, free hearing checks available on the high street, there’s no need to miss out on things you love because you’re struggling to hear.”

You have the TV or stereo louder than others find comfortable
Dr Zoe says, “It might sound obvious, but if everyone else is clapping their hands over their ears when the TV volume seems just right to you, it’s probably time for a hearing check.

“Sometimes the reason we’re starting to need higher volumes is due to a build-up of wax blocking your ears and restricting sound. This can be safely and easily removed by a professional, and many high street audiologists like Specsavers offer earwax removal services. However other times it can be that we’ve lost a little of our range of hearing so you should get it checked out either way.”

Help is available

Specsavers chief audiologist, Gordon Harrison, adds: “Don’t settle for ‘okay’ hearing. If you notice you’re mishearing things or can’t quite follow the conversation, there is no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed. A free hearing check can assess how well you hear and the overall health of your ears to help you get back to hearing clearly again.

“If you do have hearing loss, there’s an extensive range of hearing technology to suit your lifestyle, needs and budgets. We offer cutting-edge options like hearing devices featuring artificial intelligence technology, that filter out background noise in noisy environments to prioritise speech and enhance sound clarity from every direction. This makes it a particularly good option for people who enjoy live music and nightlife. All of our products are digital and include a wide range of rechargeable hearing aids with portable charging cases and with Bluetooth technology that connects straight to your mobile phone.

“Advances in technology also means that devices are now smaller than ever, so you can have a small and discreet product fitted that will help you carry on enjoying the things you love. As well as this, we stock assistive listening products that help you connect your hearing directly to your TV or computer – useful for both work and leisure time.

“There’s no need to struggle on and just ‘get the gist’. You can get a free hearing check at Specsavers hearing stores across the UK and become part of the conversation again.”

Dr Zoe’s advice follows the Misheard Manifesto, launched by Specsavers and TV’s Gyles Brandreth to correct the nation’s mishearing of well-known sayings such as “escape goat” and “nip it in the butt”. This initiative came after research identified that one in two Brits are using at least one common word or phrase incorrectly, indicating that they may need a hearing check. To learn more, visit: