University of Greenwich hosts world’s first TEDx event using virtual production


This year, the University of Greenwich hosted the talk at Target3D studio, an LED virtual production studio. This type of technology is used in the filming of the Star Wars show, The Mandalorian and features LED wall providing a truly immersive experience inside a physical theatre space, for attendees. The innovative virtual production technology enabled attendees to witness virtual environments in real time.

Fakhar Raza, one of the organisers of the event said:

‘Respecting the age-old tradition of storytelling and sharing knowledge, we will add the value of new technologies to that storytelling by creating an immersive space that allows us to enhance human connection and embrace our vulnerabilities. With that we bring you the stories of our pathfinders through these portals.’

You can use the below links for individual videos or check out the whole playlist here.

Gregory Brown
Waking Sleeping Giants: Studying the most massive black holes in the Universe
Senior Public Astronomy Officer

Benz Kotzen
Why and how to drop seeds like bombs
Professor of Landscape Architecture and Nature Based Solutions

Maria Arche
Web of Language and the future of our kids
Professor of Linguistics

Catherine Tonry
How added fizz makes metals stronger
Senior Lecturer in Computational Science and Engineering

Simon Legrand
Glimpes of what lies behind the magic veil
Visual Effects Technical Director