This Summer, after months and months of royal celebrations, the London Dungeon is offering a ‘get out of jail free card’ to all those who got a little too swept up in Coronation fever.

Brits, with homes now overflowing with His Majesty’s merch, can bring their commemorative tea towels, fridge magnets, doilies and even tea sets with Charlie’s ‘mug’ on them to the London Dungeon and exchange them for a free ticket to its newest show Rotten Royals – a show that will give guests a glimpse into the darker side of royal history under Henry VIII.

Those who take up the offer to offload Coronation clutter, running from the 22nd of July to the 29th July will also receive their very own limited edition commemorative coin – designed by the London Dungeon to ensure the ‘flip side’ of royal history is remembered in a year filled with pomp and pageantry.

The coin depicts heads and tails with a difference – showing a royal head on one side and a ‘beheaded’ head on the other. The commemorative token also reads in Pig Latin ‘Offus Withis Headdus’ in homage to the bloody ways royalty dealt with traitors – or just those who disagreed with them – in “the good old days.”

A London Dungeon spokesperson said: “In this year of royal pomp and ceremony, many people will have buyer’s remorse after spending so much on King Charles tat! So, why not bring it along to the London Dungeon and exchange it for a chance to see the royals of old in action – and walk away with a free piece of memorabilia with a difference… our take on a commemorative coin more accurately depicting royals’ historical reigns.

“Our new show reveals the flip side of royal history – one where those who displeased the King met a rather bloody end. Visitors are taken on a journey of rumours, conspiracy, and an inescapable fate. We want guests to venture into a world ruled by Henry VIII and witness the consequences of upsetting a tyrant King—even if the crimes in question are ludicrous! See you soon traitors…”

The new show, Rotten Royals, will take guests back in time to the Tudor era where they face the wrath of King Henry VIII and are at risk of being sentenced to death for traitorous actions.

As guests descend into the chilling darkness of the Dungeon this summer, they’ll meet – and do their best to plead with – the ruthless King’s Guard and unsympathetic Executioner before meeting their inevitable fates as punishment for their loyalty to the King’s ‘adulterous’ wife Anne Boleyn. Of course, there is no clear evidence against the traitors or even the ex-Queen, but who dares question the King’s orders?

The new London Dungeon show Rotten Royals opens to the public on 22 July and is included in the standard ticket price. The limited-edition London Dungeon Coronation commemorative coin will be available to purchase from the Tavern gift shop at the end of the tour for all those who don’t take up the show’s opening offer.

For all thrills and scare seekers out there, the London Dungeon offers 16 terrifying shows and two rides that bring the city’s deepest and darkest history to life, delivering ample scream-drenched stories and fear-inducing shocks for an experience that guests will never forget.

To visit the London Dungeon, book online at: www.thedungeons.com/london/