PEOPLE should vote Labour otherwise they will wake up on Friday and discover that Rishi Sunak is still in charge of the country, Jonathan Ashworth has said.

The Shadow Paymaster General told GB News: “If you want to change this country, you’ve got to come out and vote Labour. Voting for any of the other parties helps Rishi Sunak get re-elected.

“So if you don’t want to switch on GB News on Friday morning and hear that Rishi Sunak has been re-elected. If you don’t want to wake up to that, vote Labour on Thursday.”

Asked how a Labour government would improve lives, he said: “Fiscal rules are very important, because we saw what happened with Liz Truss in the Conservatives when they shot the public finances to pieces and it means your viewers are paying more on their mortgage as a consequence.

“We’ve got a detailed plan to grow our economy. We’ve had terrible growth under the Tories these last 14 years.

“If you grow the economy, you create good well-paid jobs for people, you raise living standards. That’s not only good for the country as a whole, it also means the public finances are in a better position.

“So we think we can turn the corner on this. We don’t have to carry with the 14 years of failure and chaos…if you want to grow the economy, create good well paid jobs, raise living standards, vote Labour on Thursday.”

He added: “People are still making up their minds. People are still weighing it up and this isn’t a done deal.

“The Tories could still do something here. So you’ve got to come out, if you want to stop the Tories, if you’ve had enough of the gambling scandals, where it’s one rule for the Tories, another for the rest of us.

“If you have enough of waiting longer and longer on an NHS waiting list for treatment, you’ve got to come out and vote Labour, if you’ve had enough of seeing your family finances squeezed and clobbered, year after year.”

Asked about housing, he said: “Well, we are going to build houses. There are people who still can’t get on the housing ladder. If we carry on like this there’ll be people in our 40s, even 50s, who can’t get on the housing ladder.

“There’s lots of brownfield sites across the country. Everybody will have seen it in our local communities. It’s usually an area which is overgrown, surrounded by fencing. We should be building on those sites.

“But there are areas of the country that we’ve called the grey belt, like old petrol stations, which are now designated green belt. You can’t build on them. That’s bananas.

“We should be building homes on brownfield sites first and these grey belt areas so young people can get on the housing ladder.”