Wandsworth Residents Invited to Participate in Wildlife Survey


Wandsworth is a treasure trove of biodiversity, boasting 24 different habitats from heathlands to the River Thames, supporting an astounding array of approximately 3,149 species. From common garden birds to rare bees and bats, and with 23% of the borough designated as Local Wildlife Sites, Wandsworth’s vision for biodiversity is clear: to recognise, value, conserve, enhance, and wisely use our diverse natural resources.

In a bid to further this vision, with the Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC (GiGL) we are launching the “On Your Street: What Can You Find in Your Garden?” survey. This initiative aims to understand the impact of private gardens on local wildlife and biodiversity in the borough. With private domestic gardens covering 716 hectares—nearly 20% of Wandsworth’s total area—these green spaces are crucial in maintaining and improving biodiversity.

Your garden, whether it features early spring flowers, areas of long grass, a compost pile, or a small pond, plays a vital role in supporting local wildlife. The survey seeks to gather information about the food, shelter, water, and connectivity your garden provides, contributing to our understanding and conservation efforts.

The Wandsworth Council Biodiversity Strategy, focuses on improving the quality of existing habitats, expanding priority areas, creating new habitats, enhancing connections between them, and engaging the community to support biodiversity. Since its publication, the Strategy has yielded tangible results – an integral part of the strategy has been Enable’s implementation of a Citizen Science programme, engaging over 250 local people in monitoring fauna and flora, including bats, amphibians, and wildflowers. This grassroots involvement has enriched our understanding of Wandsworth’s biodiversity and fostered a sense of empowerment among residents. Participating in the survey is simple and only takes a few minutes. Your input will directly contribute to local conservation efforts and help create a greener Wandsworth for everyone.

Cabinet member for Environment Judi Gasser said: “Private gardens are a crucial habitat for wildlife, and we want to understand the role they play in biodiversity. Please take a few minutes to take the survey. The more data we collect, the more it will enhance our work to protect and enhance species and habitats.”

Please complete the survey by following this link: https://www.cognitoforms.com/GiGL2/OnYourStreetWhatCanYouFindInYourGarden. The survey is open from now until the end of October 2024, and only needs to be completed once during this time.

Together, we can make a difference – one garden at a time!