What Are the Benefits of Regular Check-Ins with Remote Employees?


Remote work has become the go-to model of work for many businesses and organizations around the world. Although remote work has many benefits, it comes with its own fair share of challenges, including some for managers. One major problem that managers face while managing remote teams is finding ways to keep remote teams connected and productive. A method that most managers use to keep remote teams connected and productive is conducting regular employee check-ins.

Team check-ins are regularly scheduled, short, and informative meetings that allow team members to connect with each other and provide and receive updates about their work. Most teams around the world use a video call or voice call over software like Zoom or Skype for check-ins. The benefits of regular check-ins for remote teams are many including fostering communication, boosting morale, and ensuring alignment among remote team members, some of which we have discussed below.

Improved Employee Engagement

If you are looking to improve employee engagement as a manager then you must conduct regular check-ins for your team because, in remote work settings, it has become a significant challenge to keep employees engaged and connected with their workplace. In remote settings, it has become quite easier for employees to feel isolated and distant from the company, and to reduce the risk of any such happening, conducting regular check-ins with employees is necessary. Having a regular check-in on a monthly or weekly basis can help increase employee engagement and make everyone feel like an important and valued member of the team.

Reduced Miscommunication and Misunderstanding

Miscommunication and misunderstanding are some of the leading causes of project delays, missed deadlines, and project failures. While in a conventional work setting, miscommunication and misunderstanding can be prevented easily, they can be difficult to prevent in a remote setting, especially if you are not holding regular meetings and check-ins. With regular check-ins, team members can communicate and collaborate with each other on various projects which can reduce the risk of miscommunication and misunderstanding between employees.

Improved Communication

One of the most important benefits of regular check-ins is that they can improve the communication between the members of different teams. When employees are not working together in person, it can be difficult for everyone to stay on the same page and for managers to track progress. However, with regular check-ins, you can start a video chat, keep everyone involved, and take them on board.

The benefit of regular check-ins is that they can ensure that everyone stays on the same page and the communication between employees is improved. Through regular check-ins, any issues that might be there can be addressed promptly. Plus, it helps managers to keep track of the progress and monitor everything.

Provide Clarity and Direction

Regular check-ins are also necessary because these can provide clarity and direction to employees. It is a common issue among remote teams that when they are not managed properly, the problems of staying focused and organized usually arise, which can hamper the productivity of the entire team. While working remotely, it can take a lot for employees to stay focused and work on their own because there is no supervisor or manager who can assign them tasks and provide directions,

By having regular check-ins, a manager can monitor the progress of all the team members, assign their daily or weekly tasks, get updates on the assigned tasks, and provide instructions about various projects. This helps to keep everyone on track and provides clarity and direction to remote employees.

Fosters a Sense of Community

Remote work can sometimes feel isolating for employees because, in a remote setting, it can become hard for employees to stay connected to their team and company goals. However, with regular check-ins and taking everyone on a video conference like virtual chatrooms, managers can foster a sense of community among team members and create a positive environment. With regular check-ins, employees can get to know one another, share different ideas, and build strong relationships apart from work.