What you need to know about the Reimagined 2018 Art Showcase


Following on from the success of last year’s show RE:Imagined 2018 will give 10 emerging artists another
opportunity to showcase their work in a very unique gallery space within the hospital. It will also feature work from the curator of the show Robert John who was recently nominated for a Webby Award alongside award-winning artists like Henriette Heimdal, Berkin & Mika and many more. Each piece will ask questions about what you see around you in an unexpected way.

Robert John, Creator/Show Curator, What I See When I Look At, said: “I am delighted to be presenting the third show in such a unique and interesting space. It’s wonderful that so many people will be able to engage with the project and support the Hospital Charity through RE:Imagined 2018.”

All profits made from the show will be donated to St George’s Hospital Charity through the sale of the art, framed prints and donations. The show is proudly supported by Unicorn Publishing Group and St George’s Hospital Charity.

Noel Cramer, Director of fundraising at St George’s Hospital Charity, said: “St George’s Hospital Charity is thrilled to be a part of this exciting exhibition. Since 1990, the Arts Team have developed engaging exhibitions, commissions, and participatory arts programmes which enhance the wellbeing of both patients and visitors. It is just one of the projects funded by the charity which touches the lives of the thousands of people cared for by the hospitals and local community services each year.”

Joanna Wakefield, Live Arts at St. George’s, Art Director, said “Live Arts at St. George’s Hospital are excited about hosting “Re-Imagined 2018” in May 2018 in the new hospital art gallery.  Being a large UK teaching hospital, we are keen to support exhibitions that link arts and health and have a health related theme.  When I visited the 2017 exhibition, I found it to be very inspirational and insightful into awareness of the plight of Parkinson’s Disease and consequently was pleased to host the 2018 exhibition at St. George’s”