Why Is It so Hard to Quit Smoking?


Quitting smoking is no easy task, and it requires a lot of determination to succeed. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “most people who smoke long enough are unable to quit on their own.”

The reason why quitting is difficult is because of the addictive nature of nicotine. Nicotine is actually an appetite suppressant, which explains why many people gain weight when they quit smoking.

Tips on How to Prepare and Quit Smoking

Here are ways on how to prepare and quit smoking:

Get an accountability buddy who will help you quit.
Track your progress with a journal and check out nicotine pouch reviews online to see how other people cope with their habits.
Drink plenty of water, and eat healthy fruits and vegetables to keep you from feeling hungry.
Make a list of your reasons why you want to quit smoking and stick it on your refrigerator door or bathroom mirror.
Exercise regularly to cope with stress and avoid cigarettes as a replacement for the physical activity you get when exercising.
Try hypnosis if you think it might help with your efforts to quit smoking.
Always keep in mind that quitting smoking is not just a one-time decision; it’s a process.

Try a Less Harmful Alternative; Nicotine Pouches

Tried out nicotine patches and nicotine gums, but they didn’t work for you? Why not try nicotine pouches as an alternative to cigarettes? They deliver nicotine without all the harmful additives in a cigarette. They also come in different flavours, such as strawberry and chocolate, which are easy to use.

Bottom Line

Quitting smoking is not easy, but it can be successful with determination and the proper support system. The good news is that although quitting can be a challenge to many smokers, the body repairs itself quickly after you put out the cigarette for good.