World’s first pillow fort sleep experience unveiled in Shoreditch


Nostalgic Brits can check in to a new sleeping experience unveiled today which will take them back to their sleep-den building childhoods in the world’s-first pillow fort adult hotel- scientifically engineered to improve sleep amidst research which has found that 62% of Brits find nostalgia creates a positive impact on their wellbeing.

The Pillow Fort Hotel in London’s Shoreditch is the brainchild of Emma – The Sleep Company and its team of sleep experts who have designed the experience to reawaken the inner child in all of us, after research found that that feelings of nostalgia are helping the UK blissfully drift off at bedtime. Almost a third (31%) of adults who reported enjoying a good night’s sleep often found solace in reminiscing about past experiences before bedtime and a fifth (21%) admitted to fondly recalling memories from their childhood to help them drift off.

The research has found that the UK isn’t just reminiscing about their childhoods to help relax, but re-enacting them. More than one in 10 Brits admitted they’ve gathered up their pillows for a pillow fight (13%), built a pillow fort or sleep den (12%) or camped out in the garden (13%). In fact, almost two thirds (62%) of respondents said that nostalgia creates a positive impact on their wellbeing.

Amidst a wave of new sleep aids and technology, nostalgia also wins out- with UK adults employing simple childhood comforts to help them relax before bedtime. Almost a quarter (23%) of the nation is sleeping with their favourite stuffed toy, a sixth (16%) are having a glass of warm milk and a biscuit before bed, and a lucky one in ten (12%) have had a bedtime story read to them.

Emma’s leading Sleep Expert, Theresa Schnorbach, said: “Nostalgia possesses the extraordinary (and scientifically-proven!) power to elevate our mood, reduce stress, enhance social bonds, and elevate the quality of our sleep.

“We’ve seen from our research that nostalgia typically involves positive emotions and feelings of warmth, happiness, and comfort associated with past experiences. These positive emotions can counteract negative thoughts or worries that might keep you awake at night, and help you get more and better sleep to awaken your best.”

The Pillow Fort Hotel will take the UK back to the care-free playfulness of falling asleep as a child, within the relaxing surroundings of staycation luxury. Guests will enjoy their best sleep amongst hundreds of white fluffy pillows within the exclusive adult-sized fort, with wall-to-wall comfort, including Emma’s leading sleep products. Alongside the pillow fort, the experience will offer guests a sleep- inducing menu of food and refreshments, a bedtime story, relaxing lullaby and cuddly toys, to sooth them to slumber.

Felix Monnot, Head of UK at Emma Sleep said: “At Emma, we’re committed to bringing the latest in sleep science to the UK which will not only support Brits to have their best sleep but also improve overall health.”

“We’re excited to bring the latest in sleep innovation to the UK this year; the Pillow Fort Hotel is the epitome of what we’re excited to offer with holistic sleep support, sleep expertise and improved wellbeing.”

Adults in the UK who want to stay at The Pillow Fort Hotel this autumn can sign up to win a night’s stay by entering their details at before 6 October 2023.