6 Practical and Simple Business Ideas That Cater To Men


Running a business often appears and seems overly complicated. However, if you are looking to start a company, you should simplify things down to the basics and then consider expanding with your established ideas. But first, you need an idea to jumpstart your success. Here are some simple business ideas that cater to men.


One of the most consistent business ideas, barbershops provide a means to an endless problem. Men will always need to get a haircut with hair always growing, and becoming unkempt and untidy. This is not a look that fits with a clean and professional look. You want to look presentable both for work, as well as when you are out in social and fun settings. The time that it takes to become a barber is roughly 1-2 years, which is not a long time in comparison to a lot of other professional jobs. With years of experience and expertise, you can eventually look to open up your own shop as well. As a man, you will understand the styles you like and prefer, and can pass that along to your clients.

Smoking Crowd

Smoking is a hobby with many enthusiasts. There are many types of smokers, from those that prefer cigarettes and nicotine, to more herbal options like a weed. Because of the wide variance in smoking, it is best to narrow down your market to be more niche products as shown with Gotham Cigars and their specializations. Even within the smoking crowd, people are looking for more specific products, and it is up to you to fulfill these needs and wants of the select customer base. Many smokers, especially cigars nowadays are predominantly men, so it is a great business to interact with those that share the same interests.

Gaming And Streaming Business

Esports and video games have become a massive form of entertainment, translating to lucrative options for those looking into these business opportunities. If you have to capital to put down some money, building your own esports team could potentially be a financial success. Other routes would be the streaming or content creation of gaming, where significant money can be made from sponsors and advertisements. This is a great way to combine a person’s love of gaming, which many boys have grown up doing, into their own business means.


Diving further into options that involve the use of technology, coding is one of the careers that provide you with many business opportunities. Learning coding languages and having the ability to work with computers will allow you to work independently for different companies, or allow you to branch off into many different industries on your own. If you want to combine a few passions, put your coding skills into play with video games and start up your own studio to create games that other people will love too. This is not specifically catered towards men but works with what most young men are already passionate about. 

Automotives Work

There is no hiding the love that men share in their cars. With this passion in mind, there is plenty of opportunity for many businesses and career paths to explore. If you prefer getting your hands dirty, starting a business in repairs or customizations and detailing could provide you the area to do your best work. Repairs provide service to never-ending issues as cars always need more maintenance and work to be done, while customizations combine your love of cars with any creativity that you have to either provide the right paints, vinyl applications, or other installations that would add flair to a vehicle.

Restaurants And Food Business

Being a man means being multidimensional and having a large variety of skills. For those looking to work with their hands, but also use their palettes as well, there is plenty of opportunity in the restaurants and entertainment industry. Setting up and running your own restaurant allows you to put your passion for food on the plate and share it with others. As a man, you are the breadwinner and provider, and running your own restaurant or bar allows you to provide for many guests and treat them as you would your own family. You are able to make many connections and build relationships with people that will translate to regular business and returning customers. 

Starting and running a business can feel a lot more difficult than it is. You just have to remember that if you take things one step at a time, starting out small and simple, you can soon grow that business to be more successful and profitable than you had imagined.