A beginner’s guide to marketing analytics


Does the term ‘marketing analytics’ sound familiar to you?

Whether it does or doesn’t, this is definitely something all marketers should fully understand when it comes to improving marketing efforts.

As such, we’ve put together this beginner’s guide to take you through what marketing analytics means, which marketing analytics tools you can use, and how they might help your business…

What is marketing analytics?

Marketing analytics is the practice of using advanced insights that help you monitor, analyse, and control several areas of your marketing.

The specific analytics you receive will depend on the software you use, but the main aim is to provide a clear picture of your marketing performance, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of your activities, campaigns, and channels.

Many businesses today are implementing marketing analytics tools as a way of enhancing their strategies and bringing data-driven processes into their efforts.

Which marketing analytics tools should you use?

Now, you’re likely wondering what type of marketing analytics tools you need and what they can offer you.

Let’s look at one expert tool in particular – call tracking software.

This advanced software allows you to track every call within your business and trace the specific marketing sources that generated the call. This includes all the touchpoints a customer visited before they called, as well as those during and after.

As well as this, the software offers a variety of meaningful analytics to help you grasp the true value of your marketing – from online and offline campaign insights to keyword performance and website visits.

This useful tool can help you improve your marketing in a range of ways:

1. Increased visibility of your campaigns

Call tracking can give you total visibility of your online and offline campaigns, so you know exactly how customers are interacting with your marketing and where conversions are being driven.

With the software’s analytics, you can create detailed customer journey maps that outline the number of leads and sales being generated by each of your campaigns.

This will show you which of your activities deliver the most value for your business, allowing you to direct resources more efficiently to different areas of your marketing.

Also, you’ll be able to understand at which points in the customer journey a call is likely to be made. This way, you can adjust your marketing around this information, to help encourage more conversions at the right points in the marketing funnel.

2. In-depth customer analysis

The software can also help you analyse your customers more accurately, determining the best way to target them with your marketing.

For one, you can uncover things such as the type of campaigns your customers prefer to interact with, as well as the type of content that sparks a call. This could be a creative call to action at the bottom of a web page, for example.

By heeding the customer preferences highlighted by your call tracking data, you’ll be able to increase leads and sales more effectively with your target audiences.

3. Improved SEO

You can also use call tracking to improve your search engine optimisation (SEO) in various ways.

For instance, the software can reveal specific keywords mentioned in call conversations using speech analytics.

This can help you more accurately determine the type of things your customers are looking for and what they want to know about your business.

As a result, you can adapt the content on your website to be more relevant, engaging, and accurate when it comes to targeting your customer audience. This could be broadening your FAQs, including video content, or addressing customer pain points, for example.

This will help increase the value of your page when it comes to organic searches, helping you improve your rankings.

By ranking higher on SERPs, you can increase your click-through rate and more effectively funnel customers to a call from your website.

With this expert guide to marketing analytics, you now have everything you need to start implementing the right software in your business to enhance your marketing the right way.

What tools will you incorporate?