A guide to the pros and cons of IV vitamin therapy


IV vitamin therapy has gained much popularity in recent years and for good reason – what was once only available in hospitals as a form of hydration is now widely available for anybody looking to improve their health. IV drips have skyrocketed in popularity, particularly in London where we work hard and play harder.

IV drips can support your health when carried out in the appropriate environment under medical supervision. That being said, IV drips are also seen as controversial, mainly as a result of them being offered in non-clinical environments (like beauty salons), and because people who may not need them choose to have them. There are many private doctor-led clinics offering IV drips in London that will offer the service, giving you peace of mind that you are in capable hands should anything happen. Let’s take a thorough look at the pros and cons of IV vitamin therapy so you can make a decision about whether or not they might be suitable for supporting your health.

The pros of IV vitamin therapy

It can keep your body functioning well even when stressed: Being stressed is a normal part of modern day life (especially in the City), but the body deals with this in a way that is not ideal. When you are stressed, your body diverts the majority of nutrients towards putting energy into dealing with that, using up nutrients faster than we can replace them. Over a short period of time, this is fine and the body recovers, but when stress becomes chronic, it can be hard for your body to function well when it’s not getting as many nutrients as it needs. As a result, you might suffer with symptoms like feeling tired and fatigued, digestive issues, aches and pains, and just generally not feeling great. IV drips are a way to quickly replenish the nutrients your body is using up faster than you can replace them through food and oral supplements.

It can be beneficial for those with gut issues: IV vitamin therapy can be helpful for those with digestion issues, whether they are caused by a food intolerance or an autoimmune disease like Crohn’s disease. Why? People with digestive issues tend to have inflammation. Inflammation can impact how well nutrients are absorbed through the gut and into the body, meaning much fewer nutrients are absorbed. The trouble is, this then means the body has fewer resources to help tackle the inflammation and so a catch 22 cycle begins. IV drips deliver nutrients directly into the bloodstream and by bypassing the gut completely, the body gets much-needed nutrients so it can start to heal and recover.

It can be beneficial for those with gaps in their diet: Vegetarians and vegans are often deficient in vitamin B12. Why is this important? B12 is a vital vitamin needed for energy production, blood, nerve and DNA health. Symptoms of a B12 deficiency include tiredness, muscle weakness, irritability, and nausea. Unfortunately for vegetarians and vegans, the only natural sources are from meat products. A small range of foods like yeast extract and some cereals are fortified with B12 but this is usually not enough and will need to be supplemented.

And it’s not just B12, but all nutrients. Our fruit and vegetables also aren’t as nutritionally rich as they were years ago as a result of intensive farming. So even if we eat a lot of fruit and vegetables it’s possible we still won’t be getting enough nutrients for what our bodies need. Some of the more common nutrient deficiencies include vitamin D, vitamin C, and calcium But nutrients and vitamins are key to a healthy body and immune system – our immune system is our first line of defence against infection and disease, and nutrients ensure the body has all the nutrients it needs for a strong immune system.

The cons of vitamin therapy

All medical treatments come with risks and IV vitamin therapy is no different. Although treatment is only minimally invasive, there is a risk of bruising at the cannula site and risk of infection, although this is extremely rare.

It is also possible to have an allergic reaction to the ingredients in an IV drip, even if you have never had one before. For this reason it is recommended that you always attend a doctor-led clinic so that you can feel confident that they are well equipped to handle emergencies and any side effects, even if these are rare.

There has been a lot of research into the impact certain nutrients have on the body, but not as much research into these being administered via IV drip. This may be a factor to consider.

Making a decision to benefit your health

Whatever your opinion of IV drips, the reality is that many people have found them incredibly helpful when it comes to managing illnesses and the people who choose to have them often report feeling better after. If you’re still on the fence about whether IV vitamin therapy is for you, we recommend finding a reputable doctor-led clinic near you and getting in touch to find answers to any remaining questions to help you reach a decision.