According to influencer and campaigner Sandy Idigbe Social Entrepreneurship is an Answer to Global Problems


It was a pleasure to interview leading campaigner, entrepreneur and change maker Sandy Idigbe in our New York office this week. Sandy Idigbe is an inspiring campaigner, influencer and a champion of equality and social issues. As part of a generation engaging around good causes, Sandy understands that it is not enough to simply have good intention, but to actively campaign and create conversations about equality issues effecting young people.

The best way to start a wind of change is through entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs, who have embraced the same, are the actual difference makers creating positive impacts in the society. The startup age has helped the entrepreneurs with the social cause not only to continue their entrepreneurial spree but also to create some actual modification in the society. They can be viewed as the modern day revolutionaries who bring innovative ideas on a plate and shape them into reality.

Hunger, over-population and pollution are three of the biggest head-scratchers in the world today. Mankind has been trying to shred these difficulties for decades now but to no avail. However, with the emergence of more number of startups every day, the inflow of more number of unique and promising ideas has climbed the graph.

Startups are the hubs of groundbreaking ideas and as Sandy Idigbe sees, “Entrepreneurship can really contribute to achieving global goals and make a difference.”


Coming back to the topic of how much potential entrepreneurship holds to revamp the society, Sandy says, “I think that entrepreneurship can really contribute to achieving global goals and make a difference. When we take responsibility in our businesses and show that besides our good impact we can still grow a well-functioning start-up, the idea of social entrepreneurship definitely has the power to become a role model and change how business is done today – and this would definitely decrease many of our global problems.”