America’s FDA Targets Cereal Brands Over False Nutritional Facts


by Giovane Fugazza


A fresh development in the food industry is leaving major cereal companies fuming over new revisions from the Food and Drug Administration that could lead to serious changes in the American diet.

The decision includes a change in what can be marketed as “healthy” on food labels. Among the most affected brands are Kelloggs and Post Grape Nuts.

Cereal Companies Had No Regulations

For nearly a century, cereal brands have been promoting their products as a nutritious and healthy food. And since then, cereal bowls have become a staple in American breakfast.

However, even cereals that advertise themselves as part of a healthy breakfast might contain over 50% sugar by weight.

For that reason, government regulators have had cereal companies on the crosshair. In 2018, Kelloggs announced they would cut the sugar content of their “Coco Pops” by 40%. Meanwhile, Rice Krispies were also cut by 20%.

Single Bowl Of Cereal Too Much For Average Kid’s Diet

However, despite these minor changes, studies reveal that a single cereal bowl can represent nearly half of a child’s daily sugar intake threshold.

And consuming large amounts of sugar first thing in the morning can have several repercussions for health and nutrition. Including a raise in the blood sugar that signals the brain throughout the day that you need more sugar. This ultimately results in energy dips and lack of concentration.

Regular sugar consumption can lead to a plethora of health conditions, such as diabetes and heart complications.  And many of these issues cannot be corrected.

November Update

And with that in mind, in November, the FDA updated their Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Among the recent changes, the administration establishes a limit in daily sugar intake a product can have in order to be labeled as “healthy”.

This new update will have a serious impact on cereal companies, as well as pasta, and even pickle brands.

The revision claims that products that contain over 10% of an individual’s daily calorie intake cannot be labeled as healthy anymore.

Using a cereal bowl as an example, the usual bowl contains up to 19.8 grams of sugar. That number represents nearly double of the 10% limit the FDA is imposing.

American Heart Association Co-Signs

These revisions are seen as important and thoroughly backed by certified dieticians and even the American Heart Association. 

Today more than ever, the general public has grown more concerned about their diet and overall health.  With the help of google, it’s become common for people to attempt in-depth research for healthier eating habits.  Websites like The Nutrition Insider even give coupons (click here) to help consumers get proper foods at discount prices.

Unsurprisingly, companies are not happy with the new guideline. Being able to market a product as healthy can severely boost sales, and some brands are even built around these claims.

Corporations Want To Sue FDA

Major players in the food industry, like Mondelez, General Mills, Pepsi, and Coca-Cola, claim they oppose the new FDA’s proposal. 

Represented by the Consumer Brand Association, these companies are threatening to seek legal reparations against the FDA.

The association even stated that the decision lacks scientific proof before the claims that higher sugar intake is linked to diet-related ailments. 

The Consumer Brand Association also alleged that the sugary food ban violates their First Amendment rights.

But as of right now, there have been no reports of a lawsuit against the FDA.