British Sri Lankan Association seeks 2025 Award nominations to spotlight future leaders


THE annual Awards sponsored by Dr Selva Pankaj, CEO of Regent College have become integral to the British Sri Lankan Association’s (BRISLA) diary.

In their tenth year, the theme of the 2025 BRISLA Awards will focus on ‘Global Unity in Diversity’ with leaders who inspire and bring vision to their field of expertise.

The Judges, selected for their impartiality and industry background will consider those individuals they perceive to act as role models who can mentor and create a forum for younger business people to realise their leadership potential too.

This year the Awards Ceremony will be hosted on Friday 10th October at The Royal Over-Seas League (ROSL) renowned for its championing of international friendship and understanding within the Commonwealth and beyond.

Hosted by Mark Jones, the Awards Ceremony will recognise those individuals who have stood out in their dedication to fulfilling the requirements of the following categories – Outstanding Contribution to Leadership, Outstanding Contribution to Healthcare, Outstanding Contribution to the British Sri Lankan Community, Outstanding Contribution to the Local Sports Community, Outstanding Contribution to Wildlife and Local Champion of the Year.

In his capacity as Chair of BRISLA, Dr Sivardeen, a former Director Optometrist at Specsavers New Malden for over 20 years said; “Every year we are always amazed at the incredibly high standard of the individual nominations.”

“This year with a focus on the future, we will be recognising the hard work and commitment of those individuals and businesses across the UK-Sri Lankan and British communities who have the drive and passion to shape the future.”

A not-for-profit organisation, BRISLA brings together the diverse community of Sri Lankans from across the UK and provides a forum that facilitates co-operation between the two countries at an economic, educational, health and environmental level. In addition, this partnership works towards developing stronger links relating to trade and commerce, all within the framework of creating a cohesive, fair and prosperous society for all.

Please send your nominations for the 2025 BRISLA Awards to Dr Zimar Sivardeen at [email protected] Deadline for submission is 30th June 2025.