Business Book Awards announce Self-Development nominees


The organisers behind the Business Book Awards have announced five nominees for this year’s Self-Development category. These awards celebrate the best UK business books published between January 1 and December 31 2017 that are designed to motivate new business owners in the early stages of enterprise.

The founder of the awards is Lucy McCarraher, author of 11 books, and co-founder and Managing Editor of Rethink Press. Lucy McCarraher said, “Development is crucial for the survival of new business’, and the nominees in the Self-Development category help to inform both start-ups and established companies alike how to do this effectively.”

The authors represented on this year’s shortlist are experts in a large variety of topics, ranging from raising the profile of a business, to the best presenting skills. Whilst some feature the stereotypes that plague the workplace, others focus more on the best ways to communicate with people. These books also represent a range of different publishers, from Capstone, to Oneworld.

Self-Development Nominees
Judged by Suzanne Collier

Influence by Warren Cass (Capstone, Wiley)
Myths of Work by Ian MacRae and Adrian Furnham (Kogan Page)
The Leader’s Guide to Presenting by Tom Bird and Jeremy Cassell (Pearson)
The Reputation Game by David Waller and Rupert Younger (Oneworld)
The Rules of People by Richard Templar(Pearson)