Does the UK know the highway code?


The majority of the population uses roads on a daily basis. Whether that’s as a driver, pedestrian, cyclist, horse rider or motorcyclist. But how well does the UK actually understandthe rules of the highway code?

What is the highway code?

The first edition was released in 1931 but there have been regular updates since to reflect the increasing number of road users in the UK.

The Highway Code is a manual that promotes safety on our roads, helping to reduce the number of casualties from accidents. It applies to all users, with a clear hierarchy showing those most at risk at the top in the following order:

Horse riders

This hierarchy aims to promote respect and responsibility across all users. There’s an emphasis placed on those who could potentially cause the greatest danger taking on more responsibility to reduce the chances of an accident.

How well does the UK know the Highway Code?

According to research from Hodge Jones and Allen, 55% of drivers weren’t aware of the correct hierarchy of road users. Cyclists also lacked this knowledge, with 60% thinking they took priority over pedestrians. However, 73% of pedestriansdid understand the correct order.

Another factor related to Highway Code knowledge was age. Older drivers (over the age of 65) and those who have completed HGV Training were more likely to correctly identify the right hierarchy (75%) compared to just 25% of 25-34 year-olds.

Which cities have the most Highway Code knowledge?

The city with the most knowledge was Southampton, with 61% getting the hierarchy correct. Cardiff came a close second with 60%, followed by Liverpool with just over half of residents knowing the order.

Locations that fared less well included Manchester, Edinburghand Bristol with around 60% of road users identifying the incorrect order. Those in Bristol were also more likely to have been involved in a road accident than residents in other cities.

Why is it important to understand the Highway Code?

It’s vital for road users to be aware of and adhere to the rules of the Highway Code.

Failing to understand road user rules and the hierarchy can result in accidents and personal injury claims. In fact, 31% of UK adults have suffered a road traffic injury, showing that, as a nation, we need to be more aware of other road users. And, according to road safety charity Brake, someone is killed or seriously injured on UK roads every 16 minutes.

While safety measures such as speed limits, cameras, road signs and crossings all help to reduce the chances of road accidents, road users should make it a priority to learn and regularly refresh their knowledge of the Highway Code.