Drugs that can cause Autism in Infants


Autism is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior. It is often diagnosed at the early stages of childhood and can have a significant impact on an individual’s daily functioning. While the exact cause of autism is not fully understood, research suggests that both genetics and environmental factors may play a role.

In recent years, there has been a significant amount of attention paid to the potential role of certain drugs in the development of autism. This article will explore the evidence surrounding drugs that may be associated with an increased risk of autism in infants.

Tylenol and the Lawsuit

One drug that has received a significant amount of attention in this regard is Tylenol (acetaminophen). Tylenol is generally safe when taken as prescribed, but concerns have been raised about its potential role in the development of autism.

In recent years, lawsuits have been filed against the makers of Tylenol, alleging that the drug caused autism in children. The lawsuits were based on the premise that the active ingredient in Tylenol, acetaminophen, can cause inflammation in the brain and that this inflammation may contribute to the development of autism.

There have been several other cases and lawsuits against the manufacturers of Tylenol and its tendency to cause autism in infants. Read more here.

Other Drugs that May be Associated with Autism

Tylenol is not the only drug that has been examined for the development of autism. Some studies have suggested that certain other drugs may be associated with an increased risk of autism in infants.

For example, a study found that exposure to valproate, a drug used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder, was associated with an increased risk of autism in children. This research included over 1,500 kids and controlled for several potential confounding factors, such as parental age and education.

Another study found that exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a type of antidepressant, during pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of autism in children.

Limitations of the Research

It is important to note that the research on the potential link between drugs and autism is still in its early stages and there are several limitations to the studies that have been conducted so far.

One limitation is that many of the studies are observational, which means that they can only identify an association between the use of a drug and the risk of autism, but they cannot prove that the drug causes autism. To establish a causal relationship, it would be necessary to conduct a randomized controlled trial in which some participants are given the drug and others are given a placebo. Such a study would be ethically and practically challenging to conduct, given the potential risks to both the mother and the child.

Another limitation is that many of the studies have relied on self-reported data on drug use, which can be subject to recall bias. This means that it is possible that the mothers may not accurately remember or report their drug use during pregnancy, which could affect the results of the study.


In conclusion, while there is some evidence to suggest that certain drugs may be associated with an increased risk of autism in infants, more research is needed to confirm these findings and to determine the mechanisms by which these drugs may potentially affect brain development.

It is important for expecting mothers to discuss with their healthcare providers any medications they are taking or considering taking during pregnancy, as well as any concerns they may have about the potential risks to their child. Overall, it is essential to carefully weigh the potential benefits and risks of any medication before deciding to use it during pregnancy.