Exciting new vision for young people launched in Royal Greenwich


The Royal Borough of Greenwich has set out its ambitions for every child and young person in an ambitious new partnership strategy launched today.

The five-year Children and Young People’s Plan has been co-produced with partners and young people across the borough including the Greenwich Young People’s Council, a group of elected young people which exists to represent the views of children from across the borough. The group has been instrumental in shaping the plan’s vision.

Timi, Co-Chair of the Children and Young People’s Partnership Board, said: “We put a lot of work into co-producing this new plan with the Council. We hope that every child and young person in Royal Greenwich has ambitions for their future and feel that they are valued. The voices of young people are so important because they are not just the future, but they also create it.”

The new strategy – and the commitments and ambitions within it – are based on the voices and views of local children, young people, and their families. We spoke to over 400 local children, held 33 school sessions and interviewed 63 parents. More work experience, mental health support, online safety and education or job opportunities were some of the main issues identified.

The plan identifies the following commitments:

Our Present and Future: we want to thrive in Greenwich, to know what opportunities and to be supported in preparing for the future
Our Safety: we want to feel safe at home, in the community and online, with support to build resilience
Our Health: We want to be supported to be healthy, this includes understanding how to help ourselves and where more support is needed, we want choices that we can access easily
Our Relationships: we know our family and networks are important and we want support to maintain positive relationships. We want support for our families who are struggling with the stress of issues such as the cost-of-living crisis
Our Support: we want to know what support is available and if we are struggling, how to access it and that it is accessible when we need it
Our Voice: we want to be heard, influence change and decision-making that has an impact on our lives.

A council spokesperson said: “This is quite a significant moment for children and young people in our borough and the people who work closely alongside them.

This collaborative plan is proof that young people in our borough can thrive and I am excited for the futures of our children and young people with this path that has been set for them. Every child in our borough will be given the opportunity to be great in Greenwich.”

In celebration of the launch of the new plan, a photovoice exhibition featuring the portraits and voices of local young people will be running in libraries across the borough throughout September. Head to your local library to learn more.