Four Reasons Why Your Tyres Blowout Easily

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Blowouts are scary. One moment you are driving along happily, the next your steering wheel jerks violently to the side, and your previously light-touch control of the vehicle is gone. Worse is when the tyre explodes, causing a loud bang that startles you – and everyone around you! If you have suddenly started suffering from blowouts, here are four reasons why this can happen.

They’re Old

Rubber ages naturally, and even the many advances in tyre design and technology cannot escape this fact. For this reason, you will need to replace your tyres every five years or so. Even pristine tyres that have never been used will lose condition and will be unsafe to use after an absolute maximum of ten years. If you have been experiencing tyre issues like slow leaks and more punctures than usual, don’t wait for a blowout to make you decide on investing in a new set of safe tyres! Get new tyres at amazing discounts from Dartford Tyres.

They’re Poor Quality

If you swapped to budget tyres after using premium tyres before, you might be disappointed at how short a time the budget offer lasts before blowouts and punctures begin to occur. While cheaper tyres can save you money in the now, the loss of quality often means that investing a bit more in premium tyres is actually a better financial investment – and delaying those scary blowouts for a year or two is an added benefit of premium, or high-quality tyres.

They’re Underinflated

The most common reason for tyres that are neither old or in poor repair to blowout is when they are underinflated. Instead of rolling smoothly, with the whole tyre surface tension evenly balanced, an underinflated tyre puts a lot of pressure on the edge of the tyre closest to the sidewalls. This generates more friction and heat, which weakens the integrity of the tyre and causing a blowout. It is actually part of the MOT now, to have your tyres correctly inflated, so if you suffer a blowout for this reason, you will be legally culpable for the consequences. Save yourself all this bother by ensuring that you check your tyres regularly!

They’re Overloaded

The final reason for common blowouts is the easiest to fix. If you are carrying too much weight in the car, your tyres will be under tremendous strain and liable to bursting without warning. Declutter your car and get into the habit of removing anything that doesn’t need to be in there for each trip. Not only your tyres will thank you, but your fuel consumption will fall too: making it a win-win!