Gas Safety Practices at Work: How to Protect Your Employees


If you use gas and have gas appliances installed at your business premises, you must protect your business and your employees. Gas leaks in a business can potentially lead to fires and explosions, and there is also the risk of a carbon monoxide leak – these are obvious dangers to the business and the employees.

Aside from the hazards of gas leaks, there is also the possibility of unintentionally increasing your business gas bill. Leaks will lead to more gas being used than necessary, and that’s the last thing anyone wants in this current climate.

With the current energy crisis, we’re all looking for ways to reduce our utility bills in any way possible. One of the top ways to minimise business utility expenses is by switching suppliers – if you’re thinking about it, compare business gas rates from the best suppliers on the market. You should also familiarise yourself with the factors that affect gas prices.

So, how can one avoid having gas leaks and dealing with all the negative consequences that come with that? As a business owner, there are a few simple measures that you can take to ensure the safety of your business and employees.

Prioritise Proper Installation

One of the main reasons gas appliances have gas leaks is that they aren’t correctly installed or fitted. Having a Gas Safe registered engineer install your gas appliances is the best way to ensure the job is done the right way.

Check Your Appliances

Even if your gas appliances are properly fitted, you still need to check them annually to ensure they’re still working correctly. A Gas Safe registered engineer should also do this job – they are the best candidate to investigate and address suspected gas leaks.

Use the Appliances Correctly

Use appliances as intended, even if you feel that they can serve multiple purposes. The safest way to use gas appliances is to use them as they are intended. Misusing them can become a fire hazard, depending on the appliance.

Ensure Vents and Chimneys are Clear

Vents are essential to ensuring that gas appliances are working as they should and burning properly. You should also make it a habit to clean any chimneys regularly.

Get a Carbon Monoxide Detector

It’s relatively easy to detect if there’s a gas leak somewhere in the building; gas has a noticeable smell. Leaking gas typically smells like rotten eggs – a carbon monoxide leak is a little harder to detect. Carbon monoxide doesn’t have any particular smell. The best way to keep your business safe from carbon monoxide poisoning is to have a carbon monoxide detector installed on the premises – it’ll alert you with a sound if there is a leak.

Emergency Procedures

Ensure that you have emergency procedures in place in the business. These procedures should specifically address what to do in case there is a gas leak or a carbon monoxide leak. On top of having the procedures in place, it’s also important to make sure that employees are well-versed and know what to do in each circumstance.

Here are some key steps to take in the event that there is a gas or carbon monoxide leak:

  • Open as many doors and windows as possible to air out the space.
  • Turn off the gas emergency control valve if you have access to it.
  • Put out any flames and avoid lighting anything in or near the building – also avoid using light switches.
  • If anyone feels dizzy or unwell, they should seek medical attention.

You should make sure that all your employees are aware of these procedures and any other crucial information. You can make sure your employees are well-prepared by doing the following things:

  • Having signs and posters with instructions as well as emergency information and contacts for gas leaks and carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Having drills or practice runs can also ensure that it stays fresh in the mind.

Final Thoughts

We use gas in our businesses and homes for many purposes. While this is convenient for us, it can also come with potential risks to our health and our property. As a business owner, you have to worry about keeping your business safe; this includes your employees. This can seem like a daunting responsibility, but you can make it easier by implementing gas safety practices.