How SMILE is establishing trust in an industry where 99% of the competition is cutting corners to maximize profit


Business Entrepreneur David Jiang, had a clear vision when beginning his company called Smile. He wanted to create a unique brand that customers love and can trust within the CBD market.

CBD, which is extracted from hemp but contains none of the psychoactive ingredients that hemp is known for. SMILE has a range of products available in the form of gummies & tinctures.

These products help to relieve stress, induce relaxation, improve workout recovery, soothe sore muscles and tension, amongst many other health benefits.

The products available at Smile are nothing but high quality and taste so unbelievably good that people actually have said they wake up looking for- ward to taking them.

David himself has lab tested various other brands on the market and has found that the results show less than half the amount of CBD advertised is actually in the product. Smile guarantees that every single product and dose has the exact levels of CBD which they claim to have.

What makes these products so unique is that the gummies are vegan and include 9 of the most commonly lacked vitamins and minerals in the average American diet. With confidence, David states these are the best CBD gummies anyone has ever tried and people can’t believe they have CBDin them because they taste so good

His tincture products come in 4 delicious flavors; Mighty Mango and Zesty Lemon in an energize formulation, and French Vanilla and Mint Bliss in an unwind formulation. So far all the feedback David has received from his product line has been all positive.

Many customers have stated they feel calmer, less groggy and are able to sleep better since switching to Smile products. A range of large social media influencers have also promoted his products free of charge, because they believe in his mission and absolutely love his products. In the future, Smile has a new line of soothing topicals coming out, targeted at pain relief.

Within the next year, they will also have a full lineup of products to address almost any concern or ailment. Smile’s mission is as their name implies, for people to associate positivity and smiling with their products. They also want people to think of Smile as the household name for CBD.

David has a piece of advice for anyone starting a health business and that is spend a lot of time figuring out who your customer is and what exactly they want. Smile has carefully selected each ingredient which goes into their products and taste tested hundreds of flavors to find the perfect product for their customers.

You can keep up to date with Smile’s products by following @smile on Insta- gram or check out their website which is,