How to get rid of water from the body?

Young sportsman drinking water at stadium
The feeling of a bloated stomach, swollen legs and face may be caused by fluid retention. In such cases, it’s worth getting rid of excessive water from the body, which will improve our well-being and health. Learn how to get rid of excessive water from your body quickly and effectively.

Causes of water retention 

The phenomenon of water retention in the body occurs more often in women and mainly affects the lower limbs. Moreover, there are many conditions or diseases, the symptom of which is excessive accumulation of fluids, which results in the fact that we have too much water in the body. In most cases, however, water retention results from poor nutrition and lifestyle.

How to get rid of water from the body? Effective methods

Here are 5 most important methods that will allow you to maintain the appropriate level of water in your body and eliminate excessively accumulated water.

Staying hydrated

You’re probably wondering why you should drink more if you want the water in your body to be reduced. Well, if we don’t regularly hydrate the body, it’ll store water just in case. Therefore, in order to maintain the correct flow of water and the right amount of fluids in the body, we need to remember about proper hydration. Every day we should drink 2-3 liters of water (preferably mineral, still water).

Reduce salt intake, follow a proper diet

Sodium in the salt promotes dehydration and thus fluid stagnation. The more salt we eat, the more bloated we feel.

How to cut down on salt? Avoid semi-prepared meals, sausages and ripening cheeses.

Eat lots of vegetables and fruits that are rich in fiber. Fiber is an excellent ally of the urinary system, kidneys and colon. It also supports the release of fluids. Eat whole grain products and choose raw or steamed vegetables as your snack.

Exercise regularly

Movement allows us to sweat, stimulate circulation and eliminate large amounts of fluids and toxins. To facilitate the removal of water, it’s good to choose aerobic exercises, as they facilitate sweating by gradually draining the fluids retained in the tissues. So you have the green light for swimming, quick walking, cycling — you won’t have to wait long for the results.

Use appropriate dietary supplements

There are several natural supplements that have excellent drainage effects and that

stimulate the lymphatic system (often responsible for poor fluid transport). It’s worth choosing those that contain natural ingredients. Good and effective dietary supplements can be bought online at a good price in Your Secret Is. Here, you can buy the WATER BALANCE product, which contains vitamins (K, C, E, B), as well as necessary minerals. The product consists of opuntia extracts, parsley root, nettle leaves, which have a diuretic and draining effect. As a result, they stimulate physiological cleansing processes, free the body from toxins and prevent water retention.

Avoid alcohol

Alcohol is the main cause of dehydration, a condition that causes the body to retain excess fluid. For this reason, it’s advisable to avoid alcohol consumption before and after physical activity and in the evening.