How to Handle Emergencies Without Panic


Emergencies happen all the time, varying significantly in impact. Some are small but irritating emergencies, such as flooding in the basement. Others are far more serious, to the point of putting lives at risk. Even if you don’t expect a terrible emergency to happen to you, it’s still important to prepare for the worst – you never know what’s around the corner, after all, and no one, no matter where they live, is 100% safe from emergencies all the time. 

If an emergency does happen, one of the best things you can do at the moment is act calmly. Being panicked will only cause more stress and could get in the way of following an emergency preparedness plan. Not to mention the fact panic can rapidly spread to others. In an emergency, the last thing you want is for a wave of panic to overtake everyone. So, to help you handle emergencies like a pro, here’s how to keep the panic at bay. 

Have Emergency Supplies on Hand 

You’re less likely to feel panicked if you have the right equipment on hand. An emergency survival kit is the best item in any situation, as these kits include all the supplies you might need. Inside, you’ll find handy items like an LED torch, foil blanket, first aid kit, and water purification tablets. Whether experiencing a flood, a power outage, or any other kind of scary emergency, knowing that you have the correct equipment can make a world of difference to your state of mind. It might even fill you with confidence as opposed to panic. 

Take Deep Breaths

Breathing is something you do every second of every day without thinking about it. During an emergency, your breathing may speed up, which can increase panic. In this situation, it’s best to stop and take a few moments to focus on your breath and breathe deeply. It will slow your body’s panic response down, allowing you to calm your thoughts – it can work even if you have just a short minute. One good breathing technique involves breathing in for four seconds, holding for seven seconds, and then breathing out for eight seconds, called the 4-7-8 method

Have a Plan – and Practice It 

Everyone should have a dedicated plan for emergencies. This plan will be specific to your situation. For example, someone who lives in a family home might have a different plan than someone living in a high-rise apartment. Once you have a plan, you should practice it. The more you do that, the more likely you’ll remember how to act during an emergency – instead of panicking, you’ll simply go through the motions that you have practised before. 

Let the Panic Flow Through You 

Sometimes, desperately trying to stop the panic can actually make it worse. In an emergency, if you have a few seconds, let the panic flow through you. Let yourself be scared for a few short moments by yourself. Then, after that, you can focus on how to handle whatever life has thrown at you. You have got this.