How To Manage Space In Your Kids Bedroom


Keeping any bedroom tidy and spacious can be difficult, but it’s even more difficult when it’s a child’s room. There aretoys, clothes, school items, and so many other things to think about, that sometimes keeping the space maintained takes a back seat. However, it is possible to manage the space in your kids bedroom effectively, it just takes a bit of preparation. So, keep reading and discover the best tips and you’ll be able to easily look after their rooms no matter how many toys they get at Christmas!

Innovative Furniture

A lot of the time, bedroom furniture is pretty large and ends up taking over the entire bedroom. To stop this from happening, it’s best to use innovative furniture. For instance, you could find the best mattress for a murphy bed and keep the bed tucked out of the way during the day. This really allows you to open up the space without removing any necessary furniture. You could also go for multi-functional furniture as well such as sofa beds or tables with storage baskets underneath. Beds with storage are a fantastic way to keep the rooms tidy. You’ll also be able to put things in there you’re your child can’t access, allowing it to stay out of their reach. So, you want to make the most of the space that your child has, so don’t over stuff their room with furniture. Make sure you always choose pieces that have a function, if not two.

Bunk Beds are an ideal way to manage space in your child’s bedroom. A bunk bed stack enables two beds to be placed in the same area as one, giving your children a dedicated sleeping area without having to sacrifice square footage. Additionally, bunk beds for kids can provide more than just a place to sleep; they can also give children a secret hideout with bunk curtains and tent accessories, or even a fun reading nook by including bookshelves. Furthermore, bunk beds come in various sizes and materials, meaning you can find the perfect bunk bed for any room size – as well as one that best fits your budget.

Use Vertical Storage

Storage can be a tricky one, especially when the room is quite tight. However, you can go for vertical storage instead as this can make the room feel a lot bigger. You’ll also be able to keep things out of tiny hand’s reach using this type of storage too. For instance, you could keep their toys on the lower shelves only, but things like their clothes or bedding that you want to remain in the same spot could live up higher. This storage will bring some much needed organisation to your kid’s bedroom, as you’ll be able to keep things off the floor and in their rightful place.

Make Use Of All The Space

If your child has quite a small bedroom, you want to make the most of the space that they’ve got. This means using innovative storage and vertical shelving. But it also means you need to think about how to make the most of the room itself and create it into a fully functioning bedroom. Try your best not to go for huge pieces of furniture that eat up half of the room. Children are a lot smaller than us, so to them, it’ll feel even larger. Try to go for kid friendly sized items, as they tend to be a bit smaller and make the room feel more appropriate for your child’s size too!

Give Everything A Home

It’s important that you keep their room as tidy as you can, and the best way to do this is to ensure that everything has a home. This means always putting things away in the same spot when it’s done with, and you can teach this to your children as well. You don’t have to make them put everything away as soon as they’re done with it, but at the end of their playtime, teach them that everything has a proper place and put it back there. This will help instil a tidying up routine into their daily life and allow them to feel in control of looking after their room. It will also help you cut down on the amount of time you have to spend picking up after them too!

Declutter Often

As well as ensuring that you keep the room tidy, you need to declutter it on a regular basis. Kids love to collect all sorts of things and then forget about them a week later. But when this habit goes unnoticed, they can end up with all sorts of clutter in their rooms. Try to give their room a quick declutter every few weeks to ensure that there’s no unused stuff lying about or random odds and ends that they don’t need. You never know what you’ll find! Keeping the room free from clutter will help you manage the space extremely well, as it won’t build up and create a room full of chaos.

Make It Fun For Them

While it is up to you to keep it well managed when they’re small, as they grow, it’s best to teach them how to do it themselves. But you need to make it fun for them, otherwise they won’t see the point. When you tidy up their room, ask them to bring you 5 things that can go in the bin or ask them to pick up their favourite toys and put them back in their homes. Before you know it, they’ll be able to keep their room tidy with minimal assistance from you!

Keeping your kid’s room spacious is difficult. There’s always some new toy that they want that takes up half the floor space and doesn’t fit into the cupboards. But there are things you can do to try and make these things less of an intrusion on their space. Simply opting for vertical storage can make a huge difference or trying out a new bed with storage underneath can work wonders. So, if you want to improve the space of your child’s room, try taking some of these tips on board. You’ll soon notice the difference it can make!