How to reduce your carbon footprint in 2023

Images of walking feet for the CRUK’s “Walk all over Cancer” event. Photography by Danny Fitzpatrick [email protected] +44 (0) 7779 606901

Have you set yourself the goal of reducing your carbon footprint in 2023? With the average UK resident’s carbon footprint being double the world average, it is a great idea to try to reduce yours in any way that you can.

With this goal in mind, it can be tricky to know where to get started. Entirely transforming your life and going completely off grid is very unrealistic for many of us, but there are lots of smaller changes that you can make that will add up to make a significant difference. Here are just some of them:

Start at home

As a society, we have become increasingly conscious of our environmental impact over recent years and as a result, energy efficiency for homeowners is easier to achieve than ever before. There are now lots of things you can do to improve your home efficiency.

The best place to start is with how you heat your home, as this typically consumes high amounts of energy. If you have an old boiler, it could be worth upgrading to a newer, more efficient model; this also applies to other electrical devices you have at home. It may be that you are also able to opt for greener additional heating methods such as solar panels. 

When looking to upgrade any of your devices, be sure to check their EPC rating, to determine how efficient they are. 

Once you have addressed your heating, you should then focus on insulation and ensuring that your home retains heat as well as possible. You should start by establishing any areas of your home where heat may be escaping. This could likely include your loft, or around doors and windows. Once you have established this, you can move on to installing insulation and draught-proofing measures, either yourself or with the help of a professional. Installing these will ultimately allow you to heat your home less which is beneficial for both your carbon footprint and your finances.  

Consider your travel

Depending on your lifestyle, travel could be making significant contributions to your carbon footprint; this includes both holiday travel and daily travel. Some travel is inevitable, however, how you get there can often be modified. 

Reviewing how you travel and whether there is a more efficient way to do so could do wonders for your carbon footprint. Even if you cut down on driving just one day a week, it all makes a difference.

Bear in mind that walking, cycling, and train are the most efficient ways to travel, so incorporate these into your journeys in replacement of car and plane travel where possible. 

Don’t forget your diet

It is easy to overlook diet when trying to reduce your carbon footprint, but the food you consume has a big impact. Animal-based products including meat and dairy have a considerably higher footprint than plant-based foods, meaning increasing the amount of vegetarian or vegan meals you eat will help to reduce your footprint. 

If you don’t fancy completely changing your diet, just make small changes such as ‘meat-free Mondays’ or swapping out some of your dairy products for alternatives.