How to Stay Productive While Studying at University


University is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and an incredibly exciting one for the more-than half a million preparing to attend for the very first time. Lifelong friends are made, and careers defined by university; while the former is an influential part of personal life, the latter is absolutely a priority. So, how can a student ensure effective and productive studying during the time of their lives?

Create a Routine

The single best thing you can do for yourself at university is create a routine. By pre-planning and compartmentalising your day, you can keep yourself on-track with your workload as well as ensure you’re keeping healthy. Just as important as your studying is your breaktime – without breaks, your knowledge retention can suffer, alongside your performance. A routine ensures you take regular rests from study, on top of holding you accountable to completing your scheduled work.

Draw Up To-Do Lists

One excellent habit to make when starting out on your studies is to write out to-do lists at the start of each day. Whether you use a bullet journal or a post-it note is up to you, but the active writing out of your tasks and activities on a given day can have a beneficial effect on your productivity.

Not only does writing a list help you structure your day and make sense of the tasks you have ahead of you, but having a concrete list written down can make you more likely to complete everything on it. No one likes the look of an unfinished to-do list at the end of the day, and you may find yourself working that bit harder to prevent that eventuality.

Visit Home Regularly

For many, university is their first long period of time away from their family home – something which can have a profound effect on mental health in certain cases. Regular visits back home can keep the blues at bay, as well as ensure your clothes get a proper wash! Of course, leaving belongings in an empty dorm or room can be risky, meaning alternative storage may be necessary for you to visit home without worry. If you are a University of Leeds student, you can store your belongings in self-storage facilities in Leeds to keep them safe until your return.

Keep Active and Fit

The last piece of the puzzle when it comes to productivity is your physical fitness. It can be easy to fall into a cycle of studying, socialising, sleeping and repeating – but this can lead to poor sleep and poor physical health, which in turn can hamper your studying abilities. Regular exercise has a large number of well-documented benefits, but one of the lesser-reported benefits is the reduction in stress and mental fatigue. A regular regime, whether core exercises in the corner of your room or a trip out to the gym, can work wonders for your mental health and in turn your productivity.