Is private fertility treatment better than the NHS?


If you’ve been having trouble getting pregnant so far then it’s likely crossed your mind that it may be time to make an appointment at a fertility clinic. You may also be wondering: Is private fertility treatment better than the NHS? This is a common question but also a tricky one to answer as there are many factors that play into it. In addition, what may be the best choice for another person might not feel like the right choice for you – after all, we are all individuals with our own goals and needs.

So, let’s begin to try to answer the question of whether private fertility treatment is better than the NHS. One of the first things to make you aware of is that whether you seek fertility treatment through the NHS or with a private clinic, all fertility doctors should have specialist knowledge in the fertility field.

Choosing a private fertility clinic doesn’t necessarily guarantee better odds – in fact no clinic, NHS or otherwise can guarantee pregnancy – but what it does do is allow you a huge degree of flexibility and choice that you likely won’t be able to get through the NHS. Let’s explain.

Waiting lists: With treatment through the NHS you are part of a large group of individuals and couples waiting for fertility treatment – this means that you may have a long wait ahead of you before you even reach fertility testing, let alone the treatment stage. The disadvantage to this is that the older you are, the less fertile you become and so this can delay something that is already particularly time-sensitive. If this is a concern for you, then a private clinic may be a better choice as the majority will have availability within a week or so.

A doctor of your choice: With the NHS you will get assigned to a fertility doctor or consultant and will likely not get any input on this. A private fertility clinic offers you the benefit of being able to research and pick your preferred fertility doctor. The people who support your fertility journey can also play a large part in your experience – the nurses, embryologists, and admin team.

Number of cycles: With a private clinic there is no limit on the number of cycles you can undergo, whereas with the NHS, this will be limited. You’ve likely heard news stories about the IVF postcode lottery. Unfortunately, this is an aspect to consider.The number of cycles offered with the NHS is also not consistent and varies between regions – some will offer one IVF cycle as, others more. You will also need to meet certain requirements to be eligible for treatment.

Cost: The NHS is publicly funded and as such, treatment is free. By choosing a private fertility clinic you will be paying for all aspects of the consultation and treatment. Many people decide that the benefits outweigh the cost.

Available services: Private fertility clinics offer a broader range of fertility treatments and services than the NHS. This may be an important consideration for you, especially if you’ve had multiple miscarriages, failed IVF cycles, and/or implantation failure. Treatments like immune treatments may only be available from private clinics.

Should I go to the fertility clinic with the highest success rate?

Success rates are one of many useful measures when choosing a fertility clinic. That being said, they can be misleading and don’t always give the whole picture. This is because some clinics will only treat individuals and couples under a certain age which means that they are already more likely to get pregnant. Other clinics may specialise in helping those with difficult to treat conditions and older patients which means that although their success rates, when compared by age, may be better, this might not be reflected in the overall success rate.

This may be something to think about if you have known issues with fertility or are slightly older. Generally speaking, it is better to look at the bigger picture, including the team, doctor, location, and even how a clinic makes you feel.

Choosing whether to have fertility treatment on the NHS or go to a private fertility clinic in London is a difficult decision, and one that needs careful thought and consideration. Use our points above as a starting place and hopefully this will help you in making your decision.