ARTIST Nikita Mohindra was shocked when her father was diagnosed with kidney cancer.
But there was worse to come. As doctors investigated further, they discovered he also had lung cancer.
Nikita, who has always been very close to her father, thought she was about to lose her beloved dad Bob.
But, thanks to state-of-the-art treatment, Bob pulled through and is now cancer free. Grateful for his second lease of life Nikita, from Mill Hill, North London, is auctioning off a portfolio of her paintings in a bid to raise £20,000 for Cancer Research UK.
Bob’s illness emerged during the pandemic is late 2021. After initial investigations, doctors believed he had a kidney tumour and needed a biopsy to confirm it.
Nikita, 32 said: “I remember the day so vividly. It was the kidney that was being biopsied, so we were prepared for that. But we had no idea about his lung. When we saw the scan, you could see most of his upper torso was illuminated so they thought the cancer had spread via his stomach. It was shocking to see”.
However, further tests revealed the lung was a separate, unconnected cancer. The good news was that the original cancer had not reached stage four and spread.
“In one way that felt lucky, but it in another was it was a difficult pill to swallow because he had two completely separate cancers which is extremely unusual,” said Nikita, “I remember thinking ‘He’s going to die. It was really difficult.”
Bob, who served in the Ministry of Defence for 25 years, lives in Nottingham but returned to London with Nikita and her sister actress Anjli Mohindra, who has appeared in Doctor Who spin off series The Sarah Jane Adventures and TV dramas including Bodyguard, Vigil, The Lazarus Project and most recently, The Red King.
“We talked about dividing assets and power of attorney” said Nikita, who also works as a part-time legal consultant.
While her dad went through treatment, Nikita went through ‘six weeks of hell’ worrying about him.
“I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t function. I was doing my law exams but I couldn’t study. I felt utterly broken,” she said.
Over a six-month period, Bob underwent robotic assisted surgery, which is much less invasive than traditional surgery – to remove a third of his right lung and keyhole surgery for the kidney cancer. He didn’t need chemotherapy and is clear of cancer but is being closely monitored.
“I couldn’t believe it – it felt like a miracle,” said Nikita. “He lost so much weight but since then, he has doubled in size and has regained his zest for life.”
Sadly, not long after Bob’s treatment, the family also lost their beloved family dog of 17 years, a Jack Russell,to lymphoma.
“His name was Jack. His presence in my life was astronomical, and he was my dad’s shadow, so that was really tough” she said.
Bob’s experience and losing Jack had a profound effect on Nikita who felt she had to do something to help.
“Cancer is just so dormant. I appreciate how different the outcome can be each time. In respect of my dad, I feel we have been very lucky. The figures say cancer affects nearly one in two people in the UK and it made me realise it isn’t going to go away.
As an Artist, Nikita’s work is dedicated to exploring the transience of time through anatomy. Through her work, she evaluates the complexities and dimensions of life through the mystery and movement of water.
Nikita’s works are vibrantly expressed with colour and are markedly symbolic of emotion. Water in this instance becomes a symbol of connectivity and unity.
“Time is so fleeting. It’s something I am fascinated by as an Artist. I thought there was a nice synergy between my work and to the cause” she said.
Nikita’s works have been previously published and featured on a billboard in London’s mainstream Pimlico station.
Her full portfolio is accessible on the reputable platform, Artsy. Home to Art collectors worldwide.
Tom Wright, London Divisional Manager for Cancer Research UK, said: “We’re really grateful to Nikita for holding this auction of her beautiful paintings to raise money for our life-saving research. All the funds raised will go towards creating better and kinder treatments for future cancer patients. Nearly one on two of us will get cancer in our lifetime, so we really need and appreciate support from people like Nikita.”

Nikita’s online auction will take place on June 26th. She is also planning a pop-up event September.
People can make online bids and donations at: