Mao Lal Shares His Recipe to Success in the Digital Mining Industry


Mao Lal, one of the biggest names in the Bitcoin mining industry, as well as the owner of other renowned companies under his belt, shares a few trade secrets that led him to become a successful entrepreneur in such a short span of time.

Realizing the importance of expensive metal trading in the financial sector back in 2003, Mao Lal started his own company named Deutsches Edelmetallhaus, which gradually gained recognition and popularity as it truly deserved.

Similarly, when a new kind of digital currency gained attention, Mao Lal’s curiosity led him to explore the idea behind the innovative construct of the decentralized managed currency. His initial enthusiasm towards mining Bitcoin remains intact to this day ten years later, which is also one of the reasons which led to his entrepreneurial success.

On the one hand, goal-orientation, discipline and persistence are decisive – at least I have had thisexperience. There is no simple secret recipe for success; otherwise success would not be an exception but therule!” Mao shares.

Mao sums it up quite efficiently; there are no shortcuts to success, and that one must be willing to put their blood and sweat into their passion if they want to reap the rewards in the long run. Consistency and persistence are the primary catalysts that play a vital role in achieving success.

On the other hand, personal experience and the lessonslearned from it also play an important role. You have tohave the courage to take chances. It is important toleave your comfort zone from time to time. I have madethis attitude my motto:

“Life comes by experience, everything else is just existing!” Mao concludes on a powerful note.

Mao Lal makes a crucial point, in the beginning, stating that life happens only to those who are willing to go through the experience of forming their own pathway, otherwise the rest are just dead fish floating along withthe flow of the water current.