Member Of The Public Arrested As Animal Rebellion Supporters Take Peaceful Action In Westminster


A member of the public has been arrested after appearing to physically intervene in a protest in Westminster this morning. Videos show individuals behaving violently towards those blocking the road, with police stepping in to resolve the situation [3].

Orla Coghlan, 28, a former children’s nurse and spokesperson for Animal Rebellion said:

“We fully accept responsibility for the disruption to the public caused by these actions and that it can naturally lead to anger. I want to reach out personally to the individual who was arrested for intervening today and invite them to sit down and talk with anyone from Animal Rebellion so we can move forward and resolve this situation with love and compassion.

Animal Rebellion is fully committed to nonviolent direct action to push the Government to take meaningful action on the climate and ecological crises. We urgently need massive changes to ensure a safe future for us all”

The action comes as part of Animal Rebellion’s demands for a plant-based future, which were announced on (23/5/22) [4]. The animal and climate justice group is urging wholesale governmental and societal support for farmers and fishing communities to transition to a plant-based food system and programme of rewilding that will secure a future for generations to come.

Animal Rebellion is a mass movement using nonviolent civil disobedience to call for a just, sustainable plant-based food system.