New ‘Trigger Guide’ ranks fireworks by noise level


A ‘Trigger Guide’ has been launched by fireworks supplier,, which ranks fireworks by noise level.

The inclusive guide aims to help those negatively affected by firework sounds find one which is best suited to their needs and enable them to enjoy the festivities like everyone else.

The UK government found that 37% of UK adults*1 have concerns around safety and the distress fireworks can sometimes cause to animals and some people.

On top of this, last year the RSPCA reported that 69% of UK adults*2 regularly take at least one measure to help prepare their animals for fireworks.

However, animals aren’t the only ones who may struggle with loud noises, Norman Wilkinson, Director at Ghengis Fireworks explains, “Autistic and noise-averse children or those with other sensory sensitivities may really struggle to understand what’s going on, and the multiple bangs can cause considerable upset. Our Armed Forces heroes may also find fireworks triggering, especially if they have been diagnosed with PTSD.”

With that said, those who find loud noises triggering can still enjoy fireworks. Norman Wilkinson continues, “Rather than going for loud bangs, consider choosing fireworks with lower noise levels. They can be just as amazing to look at, without causing any distress. There has been plenty of talk around silent fireworks but these don’t actually exist.”

“Our new ‘Trigger Guide’, collating noise level data from across our website, will help people who still want to celebrate with fireworks but without the loud bangs.”

For most people, it’s the loudness of the fireworks that can trigger them. By utilising the trigger guide, it will allow you to select a tolerable product in order to enjoy the festivities equally.

Norman advises, “People want fireworks for a range of celebrations from bonfire night to baby showers and weddings. But when it comes to buying fireworks, the most important aspect is safety.”

“Sadly, despite the warnings, fireworks can still be misused, and in extreme cases, they can cause serious injury. Remember that these are explosives, and should be treated with the utmost respect.”

Here are seven top safety tips that should be followed by everyone using fireworks:

Plan ahead
Plan your firework display with safety in mind to make it more enjoyable, this should include prepping your launch site, collecting your safety equipment and informing your neighbours. You may love fireworks, but they may not. When planning a garden display, you should always let the neighbours know the plan so that they are aware and can prepare ahead of time.

Read and follow all instructions via torchlight if required on each firework before using them to make sure you’re aware of what to do once you’ve finished.

Keep them dry
You should always keep fireworks in a sealed damp-proof box. Water can damage the structural integrity of the launch tubes or pyrotechnic inserts, making them unstable. This can result in a delayed take off or lack of ignition. This is dangerous because if you think it hasn’t lit, and go over to check, it could explode causing significant injury. You should never return to any firework that hasn’t gone off.

Clean up correctly
Always make sure to dispose of any used fireworks correctly via your general household waste. Always make sure fireworks are non-explosive and leave debris at least one hour after your display before tidying up. When you’re ready, soak the firework in water, bag it up to ensure any sharp edges or rough materials don’t cause harm and then put it with general household rubbish.

If one hasn’t gone off after it has been lit, drowning or submerging the firework using a bucket of water should render it non-explosive so you can dispose of it normally.

Stand at a safe distance
Only ever use one firework at a time so you can control where it goes off and make sure to egnite at arm’s length and then stand well back immediately. Remember not to put fireworks in your pocket as you’re setting them up.

Anyone watching the fireworks with you should be stood at the recommended safe distance and all naked flames including cigarettes should be kept away too.

You should also ensure the launch zone is a safe distance from fences and any other flammable materials like garden sheds and never light or fire them in the direction of animals or people.

Keep water handy
Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose handy when lighting fireworks to make sure you’re prepared for any mishaps. This can be used to put out any fires or drown fireworks that may not have gone off properly.

Keep all pets indoors
While your furry friend may not be afraid of fireworks, it is a good idea to ensure they are kept inside at all times. This makes sure they don’t run near the fireworks and ensures that any bangs don’t startle them and send them running away or in the direction of any fireworks that haven’t been lit yet.

Avoid having bonfires
Think twice before having a bonfire at home and try to go to a professional one, if possible. Lighting a bonfire in a garden presents a significant risk to those who live in the immediate vicinity if it were to get out of control. Not only this, the smoke can aggravate those with respiratory problems.