Nose Filters For City Commuters


This is the latest weapon in the war against city pollution – air filters so small they can be worn inside a commuter’s nostrils.

The discrete O2 Nose Filters are so tiny that they are almost invisible when inserted into the nose yet the maker’s claim they prevent 99% of harmful pollution particles from reaching the lungs.

The innovative new filters use the latest technologies to ensure they don’t restrict breathing and are quickly gaining popularity in China where mega cities such as Shanghai report some of the world’s poorest air quality.

Each tiny pair of filters can be worn for up to 12 hours although it’s recommended that they are changed more frequently in heavily polluted conditions.

A recent report by WHO (World Health Organisation) estimated over 30 UK towns and cities exceeded air pollution limits with a further 17 at the target.

Now the makers of O2 Nose Filters are claiming the innovative filtration science used in its design protects and provides relief against pollution and airborne viruses.

Millions of premature deaths are linked to air pollution globally with around 50,000 people dying from pollution related illnesses every year in the UK.

Heart disease, stroke, lung conditions including emphysema and bronchitis, lung cancer and respiratory infections can all be caused by air pollution.