On the Radar: Bella Cummins’ Journey as America’s Longest-Reigning Brothel Madam


In Nevada, one woman has carved an enduring legacy within the confines of pleasure and controversy. Bella Cummins, the matriarch of “Bella’s Hacienda,is America’s longest-reigning brothel madam. Born in Chicago, Cummins grew up in rural New York. In 1987, Bella Cummins embarked on a transformative journey when she acquired the Hacienda Ranch Brothel, fashioning it into the iconic “Bella’s Hacienda.”

Nestled in the vast expanse of Nevada, this legal and licensed adult entertainment destination swiftly became synonymous with the town itself. Over the years, Bella’s Hacienda weathered storms, legal battles, and societal shifts, emerging as a testament to Cummins’ business acumen and unwavering determination.Her recent challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, paints a nuanced portrait that goes beyond the surface perceptions of the world’s oldest profession.

What sets Cummins apart is not just her longevity in the business but her commitment to creating a safe and empowering environment for the women under her charge. Her approach challenges the prevailing narrative surrounding sex work, advocating for the rights and well-being of the women who have chosen this profession.

The recent challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic threw Bella’s Hacienda into uncharted territory. Despite being denied emergency loan stimulus money in 2020, Cummins obtained an escort license for her business during the pandemic-induced closure of legal brothels mandated by Nevada’s governor. This strategic move allowed sex workers to provide non-sexual companionship services, serving as a vital lifeline for them during tough times.

Beyond the confines of Bella’s Hacienda, Cummins is the visionary founder of the Onesta Foundation. Established in 2018 as a response to attempts by religious groups to ban legal brothels in specific Nevada counties, the Onesta Foundation is a nonprofit organization with a mission to support Nevada sex workers and advocate for the legalization of prostitution across the United States. Currently, Bella has been working to bringNevadas blueprint of legally licensed Bordellos to the rest of the United States. Shes one of the few names vocal about this issue in the largest worldwide industry.

Through professional development programs and a platform for women in Nevada’s sex industry, Cummins actively shapes the future for legal sex workers, demonstrating her commitment to their well-being and empowerment.

Bella Cummins is married to Lance Cummins, her partner in both business and life. The duo, with Bella at the forefront, navigates not only the complexities of the legal sex industry but also the intricacies of a personal life that defies conventional expectations.

While talking about her journey, Cummins said:

“Beneath the neon glow and the whispers of societal judgment, I’ve built more than a brothel; I’ve constructed a space for empowerment, resilience, and a different kind of freedom. My journey as America’s longest-serving brothel madam is not just about challenging norms but creating a haven for those who’ve chosen a path that society often misunderstands.”

Bella’s Hacienda Ranch helped create an environment of acceptance, pushing against societal norms and establishing a refuge for those frequently relegated to society’s peripheries. With unwavering charisma, determination, and a dedication to challenging established norms, Bella Cummins has etched a distinctive place within America’s cultural landscape.

Bella Cummins stands as a complex figure, defying categorization and inviting us to question our perceptions of the industry she operates in and the woman behind the title of America’s longest-reigning brothel madam.