One Man with many Tittles and Mysteries. The Deadliest Living Legend, The Myth, World’s Best Commando Trainer Guru, The Mystery, World’s Best Commandos Mentor, and World’s Greatest Counter-Terrorism Expert of all time. He is, Surprisingly, an Indian.


Most of us are uninformed of the dense efforts and sacrifices of Elite Special Forces, Specialised Anti Terrorism Units behind the safety and security of Nations. The field of counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency is an elite field of unbelievable warriors and specialized professional combatants with Advanced skills in Fully Armed Lethal Anti-Terrorism Operations and Deadly Counter-Terrorism Operations. Our team worked on a freelance documentary to know this hidden world of unsung heroes, unknown legends, saviours, and warriors. Every time we Interviewed any of the Legends (retired) of Counter-Terrorism from any of the top special forces operative’s units in the world. We came across this unknown, unheard most lethal, most modern commandos mentoring, commandos training, counter-terrorism system, and of course, behind this system, one name of the Inventor for sure: The name of the same mystery man is revealed at the end of the article. 

First of all, readers need to understand the unknown saviours and anonymous warriors fighting every minute to protect the world from many kinds of terrorism. Unfortunately, many people do not know the counter-terrorism and anti-terrorism units for readers’ better understanding and information. Also, any training-related, operations-related, team-related information about these units is entirely unauthorized for any possession if not legally under the command and granted by the law of the land. It is believed that These units, operatives that are generally involved in Anti-Terrorism Operations, are called “Ghosts” and remain unknown to the people at every level. Anonymity is required because of the nature of their work related to neutralizing the fulminations and severe threats of terrorism at the inception level before the terrorist attack takes place in any part of the world.

Here are the Topmost World’s Best Counter-Terrorism Units as of 2021. 

1. The Special Air Service (SAS), United Kingdom. 
2. Sayeret Matkal, “Unit 269,” Sayeret Matkal, Israel.
3. Navy Seals, USA
4. The Marine Commandos, MARCOS, India.
5. The Special Air Service Regiment, or SASR, Australia. 
6. Spetsnaz, Russia.
7. Marines Special Forces, USA
8. National Gendarmerie Intervention Group (GIGN), France
9. SLC (Snow Leopard Commando) Unit, China.
10. Joint Force Task 2 (JTF2), Canada
11. GROM Poland
12. Special Naval Warfare Force, Spain. 
13. Delta Force, Elite counter-terrorism unit, USA.
14. EKO- Einsatzkommando Cobra,Austria
15. The New Zealand Special Air Service, or 1 NZSAS Regt.


It is essential to mention that the retired Legend of these units mentioned above (anonymously) appreciated the world’s most modern counter-terrorism training system, Mitti System, from India. The most common feedback about The Mitti System is That the Mitti System is the most intelligent significance, unpretending expediency. It is also revealed that Mitti System is a sound armed tactics training system, and It is most influential in counter-insurgency real scenarios of the present era of unconventional modern warfare. However, a bigger question was what Mitti System is and who invented this deadly counter-terrorism training program every Legend speaks about. 

We had no clue about this system, especially about the specific person whose name was mentioned every time, and very limited and confusing information is available about this Mysterious character on digital platforms. However, the information online reveals many different profiles of this man from India as a freelance commandos mentor, an actor, an action designer, an action choreographer, a motivational speaker, a businessman, a martial artist, a Bollywood film industry celebrity guru, A life coach of Israeli and Indian celebrities and few more things and made us curious to know details of this Myth, The Mystery man. So this man became a subject of research for the team in counter-terrorism in the world arena. 

We were surprised that the digital world knows only two to four percent of its Legends and deeds are done against terrorism, and He is not just what everyone thinks He is. Yes, Surprisingly, He calls himself an ordinary Indian, nothing else, But He is Not. He is The Deadliest Man Alive in the world as of 2021. The Greatest Counter-Terrorism Expert of all time. The Youngest Inventor of World’s Most Modern Counter-Terrorism System. The Inventor of the World’s Deadliest Counter-Insurgency Operations System, and a lot more might be under the classification of Classified information because the training and mentoring services of Elite Specialised Anti-Terrorism Units are covered under specific special laws of every country. However, this man is respected globally as the Topmost Commandos Mentor; Commando Trainers Guru is India’s true patriot and a warrior mentor.

The name of The Myth, The Deadliest Man in the world, The Living Legend, and the Mystery Man is “The Legendary Grandmaster Shifuji ShauryaBhardwaj Sir.” 

He is acknowledged, respected, and admired at the highest level in the world of counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency, and modern urban armed warfare. 

This mystery man has many unknown tittles, unsung, unheard stories, many legends, but he calls himself an ordinary Indian. The Identity name of this person is “The Legendary Grandmaster Shifuji Sir.” He is considered an alive university of counter-terrorism and the ocean of new untapped knowledge in Counter-Terrorism. It was Quoted by many world-class Living Legends from the field of deadliest counter-terrorism, including the retired UN consideration departments operatives. 

(Image-Legendary Grandmaster Shifuji ShauryaBhardwaj Sir Inventor-Mitti System)

Terrorism is not a domestic issue in the present era but a global issue. Therefore, it is a matter of concern for every individual, every security force, and every country in the world. The world needs to know the Living Legends Like Legendary Grandmaster ShifujiShaurya Bhardwaj Sir and appreciate his Free of cost and selfless inventions and Mitti system commandos mentoring services to the world against terrorism. The people like him become a hope to see a safer and better world for our future generations. 

All the Elite Special Forces Veterans brought out numerous distinctive significance of the Mitti System mentioned that The Mitti System is based on a hundred percent actual reality-based operations scenario tactics program and covers the ultimate concentration methods, upper body conditioning with entire armed tactical gears as actual in operations. Therefore, all living Legends of the global counter-terrorism community accept and appreciate Grandmaster Shifuji’s true professionalism, proficiency, loyalty, devotion, integrity, and patriotism.

One of the most significant aspects is that All these legends address Grand Master Shifuji as “The Legendary Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj Sir.” It is indeed a matter of great pride for every Indian that a civilian freelance commandos mentor (who never joined the Armed Forces) has brought the Greatest Glory to his country, India, in the global arena of counter-terrorism, counter-insurgency, and modern fully armed lethal urban warfare. 

These unacknowledged, anonymous warriors and patriots are the most selfless people found today. These deadly warriors keep themselves low profile and keep working tirelessly every second of their lives to protect the world from the evil force of terrorism. Therefore, they truly deserve great appreciation and respect. Patriots, Living Legends like Legendary Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj Sir are one in many trillion who have dedicated their lives to inventing counter-terrorism training systems like Mitti System that enable millions of specialized forces and special units to counter the global issue of terrorism. 

To know more about 

1. About The History of Terrorism in the world- Link-
2. About The United Nations Security Council, Roles and responsibilities, Link –
3. About The counter-terrorism and Counter-Terrorism world, Link-
4. About Legendary Grandmaster Shifuji ShauryaBhardwaj Sir, Link-