The intensive enforcement operation was in partnership with the Metropolitan Police.
The operation, on Wednesday 19 July in Plumstead, was aimed at tackling littering, commercial waste nuisance, criminal landlords, fly-tipping and privately owned untidy land.
The day of action brought together officers from the Glyndon team of the Metropolitan Police, Planning Enforcement, Environmental Health, Waste Advisors, Town Centre Wardens equipped with state-of-the-art body cameras and Enviro-Crime officers from the Plumstead Fly-tipping Task Force.
Enforcement operation
The operation resulted in:
- 54 Duty of Care inspections carried out on premises
- 21 Statutory Notices served on businesses; non-compliance within 7 days will result in each business being fined £300
- 6 on the spot fines issued totalling £1100
- 7 privately owned plots of land identified as potentially being a nuisance; Enviro Crime Officers will be serving compliance notices to the landowners
- The securing of immediate voluntary compliance with requests to remove goods and tables and chairs outside the front of two premises.
The Royal Borough’s Private Rented Sector Housing Enforcement Programme Team also investigated potential criminal landlord activity as part of the operation. A House in Multiple Occupation was found to be overcrowded with dangerous electrical wiring, poor fire precautions and unacceptable bathroom facilities.