Queensgate Investments and Rockwell secure green light for Kensington Forum


Queensgate Investments and Rockwell have today got the green light for their proposed redevelopment of the Kensington Forum. Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, resolved to grant planning permission for the landmark new hotel, serviced apartment and conference scheme on Cromwell Road, to create a truly remarkable, world-class visitor destination.

Designed by leading architects SimpsonHaugh, the proposals will replace the existing 906 room hotel, recognised as a local eyesore, with an exceptionally high-quality development providing outstanding facilities including restaurants, bars, health spa and conference facilities, vital to supporting London’s continued role as a world city and major global destination for business events.

Kensington Forum will also deliver substantial public benefits for both the local and wider community. It will create more than 800 employment opportunities and support these with £1.4 million of training initiatives. It will also accommodate 62 genuinely affordable Social Rented homes, worth £90 million (the first private development in London to deliver a 100% genuinely affordable homes); both meeting a clear and pressing need in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.

Alongside the hotel will be a new, publicly accessible and sensitively designed 2,700sqm garden square which will be the only publicly accessible green space within 1km of the site. A further £2.8 million will be put towards public realm improvements to the area around Gloucester Road station.

Jason Kow, Chief Executive of Queensgate Investments, who own the Kensington Forum commented: “Queensgate Investments is proud that the Mayor has resolved to grant this unique opportunity to create one of London’s largest hotel and service apartment schemes, whilst also delivering for the needs of the local community and Londoners alike.”

Donal Mulryan, Founder of Rockwell, added: “We are delighted that the Mayor of London has resolved to approve this landmark development, which we’ve designed to last at least 150 years and that will continue to deliver for the local community. Kensington Forum is an ambitious scheme of exceptional quality which sets a new benchmark for global visitor accommodation. In doing so it delivers an overwhelming amount of genuinely affordable homes, meaningful employment opportunities, green space and public realm. I’m proud of the significant and positive contribution this will make to London’s continued success and am confident that this will stand as further testament to Rockwell’s passion, commitment and exacting standards.”