Safety Advice: How To Keep Your Business Secured


Deciding on the best security solution for your business premises can be difficult. The potential benefits of a new security system can be desirable, but the costs can be high. Before you commit to a new system including manned guarding, you may want to consider performing an audit to see where your current security systems fall short. This post will cover why it is so important to keep your premises secure and how you can go about getting it done.

Why Security Is Important For Your Business

Security is a process that protects your business, your staff, and your assets, and it doesn’t exist only in the world of cybercrime. It also helps you avoid unnecessary costs and risks. In terms of security, small businesses are often the hardest hit due to their limited resources and less active security measures. Nevertheless, to ensure the security of your business premises is to create a security plan. A cost-effective security plan can be made without high costs or resources on your end and still benefits the business as a whole. A cost-effective strategy should include three key elements: 

  1. Risk assessment
  2. Mitigation strategies
  3. Policies and procedures

It should also identify any liability associated with implementing these policies, so you avoid negative consequences such as lawsuits or regulatory fines.

Ways To Secure Your Business 

From physical locks to CCTV cameras and access control systems, there are many ways that companies can safeguard their business premises. You will ultimately have to decide which options are suitable for your business, but things like CCTV and secure locks are something all companies should implement. Moreover, considering the benefits of enhanced security and restricted access, it’s prudent to install an access control system.

Conduct A Risk Assessment

Before you do anything else, you must perform a thorough risk assessment relating to the overall security of your business. This is an essential first step, and it will enable you to discover any potential areas that need improvement. For example, you could find yourself with a blind spot that thieves can exploit in a building. If you are in doubt, you can hire professional security companies trained in performing these types of assessments.

Set Up CCTV Systems

Securement measures such as closed-circuit television (CCTV) should not be considered an option but a necessity. In addition to scaring off unwanted intruders, these devices record valuable evidence that you can provide to the police in the case of unauthorized entry. A high-definition CCTV installation is a great start, but it’s best to have a professional installation company come out and help determine where the cameras will be most beneficial. Additionally, it would help if you didn’t conceal the cameras, you want them to serve as a passive deterrent as well as an active one. Inspect your CCTV system to find out if an upgrade is necessary if you currently have one. Most older digital cameras don’t record in high enough quality to be functional, and the hard drives can’t keep the data for a prolonged period.

Ensure You Have Secure Entry Points And Adequate Locks

This step might seem obvious, but you would be surprised at how many businesses spend a fortune on fancy alarm systems without spending time or effort to ensure the entry points are secure enough. You should have uncovered any issues in your risk assessment, and if that is the case, you must begin to rectify the situation. For example, if your doors are only secured via one locking point, you might want to replace them with doors that have multiple points. Additionally, you mustn’t forget your windows. If they are not secure enough by themselves, you might consider replacing them with reinforced options or even place bars in front of them (be careful not to block any fire escapes or emergency exits).

Set Up An Alarm System

Business alarm systems are primarily designed for companies with a high risk of theft or other serious security issues. They are usually installed in places where theft is a significant concern, such as warehouses, manufacturing plants, and large retail stores. While alarms already exist that notify public services (fire or police depending on the nature of the warning), there are now alarms that directly inform you or your security manager. These can be highly beneficial to allow immediate response to any issue that is occurring. It is widely accepted that the faster you respond to an emergency, the less damage will be caused.

Secure Any Machinery That Isn’t Bolted Down

This option will depend heavily on what type of business you have. For example, if you are an office-based company, you must consider securing your valuable electronics. This could mean that you compartmentalize each section and secure every department as you leave the building. On the other hand, if you are a factory-based business with a lot of machinery, you will need to secure them as best as you can. When it comes to securing heavy machinery, the methods vary depending on the type of equipment and its location. The most common forms of securing heavy machinery include physical barriers like fences and gates, locking devices, security lighting, cameras, and alarm systems.

Don’t Forget About Internal Theft

Although every company would like to trust their staff explicitly, the truth is that theft can occur from within your own business. This can manifest as stolen company property, or in some cases, theft of other employees’ property. Moreover, suppose you hire outside companies to perform duties such as cleaning and maintenance. In that case, you will want to ensure that all staff members have been background checked and if they have insurance in case of theft or property damage. Aside from internal CCTV, you can perform manual security measures. Regularly taking stock of items that might be stolen falls under this category.

Keep In Mind The Tried-and-true Methods 

Sometimes the old ways still work the best. These can include installing secure safes in locations that handle a lot of cash or sensitive items. Another basic but advantageous option is motion sensor lighting. You can have these dotted around your premises so that if a potential thief comes into range, the light turns off and scares them away. While this is no real deterrent to hardened criminals, it is an inexpensive option that could prove helpful against opportunistic thieves.

The first step in setting up an effective security system is identifying what threats exist and how they affect the company. This includes identifying insecure areas, risks from in-house or third-party employees, and unsecured machinery or items. Once you have performed a risk assessment, you will be better positioned to implement the various security measures.