Safety first – Tips for keeping the kids safe this winter


The winter season is full of so many wonderful things – whether it’s the expectation of snow, the wide world of activities available, or all the joy that Christmas promises.

This is what it feels like for us, but for children, it’s all that and more. Their imaginations are ready to run wild and make this winter season one to remember.

But when the kids aren’t being looked after at one of the many Grandir nurseries, for example, it’s our responsibility to make sure this festive time is not only fun for them but also safe!

Here are our top tips to keep your kids warm and protected this winter:

1. It’s all about the layers

The first, and probably most obvious safety tip for children during the winter season is to make sure they stay layered up.

Winter can bring some harsh weather, including cold temperatures, ice, and snow, so you need to make sure the kids have the right clothing to stay warm.

Outside of the classic gloves, scarves, and coats, you can even consider things like thermal layers and vests to go under their tops, to keep their chests warm throughout the day.

Of course, feel free to pick the most colourful and creative outfits that your kids will love wearing – during this season.

2. Fight the flu

Another thing that unfortunately comes with winter is the dreaded flu and virus season.

To help combat this, we recommend making sure your kids have up-to-date vaccinations and flu jabs to protect their immune systems from these illnesses.

Make sure your medicine cupboard is well prepared for the season, with the right cold and flu products for children – ensure you have the right medicines for the right ages, and that you strictly follow any instructions when giving the medicine.

3. Get geared up

We’re sure you’re ready to go off and enjoy a wide range of wintery activities with the little ones, whether it be snowboarding, sledding, ice skating, or even a winter hike.

However, make sure that whatever you decide to do, you have the right gear to keep you and the children safe.

Make sure you wear the right protective clothing to keep you warm, as well as head and eye protection if doing things like skiing or sledding, as this can be crucial in guarding the kids from severe injuries. Also, make sure the activities are appropriate for your kids’ ages.

4. Hydration is key

When you think of hydration, the first thing that comes to mind is the hot and sweaty summer season. However, hydration is just as important during the winter!

When the weather is much colder, your children will lose a lot of water through their breathing, so you must remember tokeep them hydrated.

However, since it’s more fitting for the season, this can be done through things like warm drinks and soup – hot chocolate in the evening or a warm soup for lunch.

5. Health and safety signs

Observation and risk assessments are all the more important during winter, so we recommend you inform yourself of all the essential health and safety signs to look for.

For instance, are you able to spot the signs of frostbite on your child, such as pale, blistered fingers? Or, can you notice hypothermia through slurred speech and shivering?

On top of that, you should also be able to assess different situations, such as knowing whether an icy path is safe to walk down, or the times when it might be too dangerous to drive your kids to nursery.

Once you’ve got these essential safety tips down, everything else after that is just enjoying the wonderous fun of winter, knowing the kids are well-prepared and protected.

So, it’s time to wrap up and start exploring what this season has to offer!