Self Care: 4 Fabulous Ways To Treat Yourself This Season


If you feel a bit stressed as you work through all of your family’s holiday plans, remember to schedule some “me time” where you take a moment or two and just enjoy the little things. Step back for a moment and reflect on all of the things you’ve accomplished with your holiday season planning up to this point, such as the plans you’ve made, the family that you’ve been able to reconnect with and all those loved ones that you have spent quality time with so far this festive season.

If everything has gone according to plan so far, why not reward yourself for the hard work, and keep up your positive mental state by recharging those internal batteries with a full day of activities focusing on yourself? All you need to do is book the day off, work, be kind to yourself and do one of those things that you have always wanted to indulge in but have postponed in favour of planning or doing activities with the family. Perhaps you’ve been craving a meal at your favourite steak restaurant in London, need some spa time, or you could just do it with a nice relaxing walk? Whatever the case may be, you need to ensure that you remember to treat yourself this season and ensure that you are made to feel special too. 

Let’s take a closer look at just a few ways that you can treat yourself this holiday season.

Breakfast Or Brunch

Start this relaxing day off right with a delicious, hearty breakfast. It doesn’t necessarily need to be at a fancy establishment, although that surely doesn’t hurt! However, it does need to be nourishing, and satisfying and there should be no compromises on your special day of treats.

London offers a wealth of options for breakfast to fit any budget. Choose a luxury hotel, a quaint hipster neighbourhood cafe, or anywhere else that you like the sound of. There are countless blogs and listicles out there that will provide you with an up-to-date list of the best places on offer. A little research will give you plenty of possibilities on your quest for nourishing breakfast treats.

Spa Time

Another fun way to treat yourself and get some much-needed downtime is a couple of hours spent indulging in a spa where you can get a massage, perhaps a beauty treatment, or hang out in the hot tub. The main goal here is to detach yourself from the daily digital stresses and just exist for a brief time while others tend to our needs.

There are countless spas that you can choose from these days, with something to fit any budget or taste. You can book time within one of the many luxury hotel Spas, or keep it local and holistic, immersing yourself in all-natural remedies intended to recharge the body and mind. Check out a few different options to find the perfect fit for you. 

Afternoon Tea

If you’re planning a special day in London, afternoon tea must be considered as an option. Indulge in a new blend of delicious aromatic teas whilst enjoying some decadent desserts or perhaps some light sandwiches to tide yourself over until dinner time.

Opt to meet up with relatives or friends, or go it alone. It’s your day so decide based on your mood. You can pick a location based on many different parameters such as your taste in music, food, art, music, and culture. Luxury hotels, cafes, bookstores, and even bus tour companies all offer their unique version of this classic English afternoon ritual.

A Relaxing Walk

Walking should definitely be considered a treat since it’s one of the best forms of exercise we can give our bodies. Walking is a low-stress activity that is easy on the joints but still provides the aerobic activity needed to keep our cardiac health in top form and the best part is you don’t need any special equipment to participate other than appropriate attire for the weather. 

However, what makes any relaxing walk extra special is the location and route. Despite London being a big, bustling city, there are some beautiful walks that you can take that will allow you to escape the chaos, unwind and reconnect with yourself. Outside of these options, you can choose any safe area where you and your friends feel comfortable. Some say London was built with walking in mind, with all the delightful parks available for you to explore. And, the only things you’ll need to bring along are a friend, an umbrella, and comfortable shoes.

Treat Yourself This Festive Season And Make The Holidays Extra Special 

People might tell you that this time of the year is all about giving and that is certainly true. However, you don’t have to just give to everyone else, you can also step up and give yourself something that will make you happy. Whether it’s one of the activities listed above or you simply want to buy yourself that coat that you have had your eye on for months, now is the time to go for it, treat yourself and make this year’s holiday season extra special for you.