Shorten the Customer Journey and Boost Retention with These Simple Tricks


If you operate any kind of customer-facing online business, you might already know a thing or two about just how impatient users can be. As the statistics consistently show, the vast majority of us aren’t even willing to spend more than a few seconds waiting for a website to load and would rather end our online shopping altogether than be inconvenienced.

On average, every two-second delay on your website increases the “bounce rate” (the rate of visitors leaving your website) by a staggering 103%. When it comes to keeping users on your site, load times are only one part of the battle.

The other crucial factor to consider is the so-called “customer journey”, which describes how many steps a user needs to take on your website to complete a certain action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. The shorter the customer journey, the higher your retention rates will be. With that in mind, here are some tried and tested methods for shortening the customer journey. 

Lay it All Out There

One incredibly effective way to shorten the customer journey and create a better user experience altogether is to make sure that they’re armed with all of the information they need from the get-go. This is where the importance of your landing page becomes apparent.

Many successful brands opt for long-form landing pages where customers can find everything that they need without having to click on anything at all. A comprehensive, user-friendly landing page with your contact information, prices, mission statement, and FAQ will collapse the user journey considerably and keep your leads on-side. 

Do Away with Registrations

Another more radical UX principle that’s taking hold in various sectors is the idea that forcing customers to register or create any kind of account is offputting and harmful to brand growth. This is especially true among companies that offer digital-only services, such as online casinos.

A look at some of Finland’s cutting-edge online casinos on sites such as, for example, reveals that many do not compel users to create an account at all, instead opting to allow people to make bets using their online banking credentials. Registering for an account feels like a commitment, one that many customers aren’t willing to make. Avoid forcing them to make this choice by removing the registration process altogether. 

Have a Compelling CTA

No matter which industry you’re in, your call-to-action (CTA) is everything. Your CTA is both your tagline and your prompt to the customer to complete an action, such as making a purchase or requesting a quote from you.

A good CTA is only a few words long and should be persuasive enough to encourage the customer to complete the user journey. Instead of generic CTA terms such as “buy now” or “learn more”, your CTA should describe your value proposition. For example, your CTA link could read “begin your fitness journey today”, “join our exclusive club of globetrotters”, or “brighten up your home”. 

In the world of digital UX, the goal is to avoid wasting your customer’s time. The best way to do this is to shorten their user journey, which you can do by following the aforementioned steps.