St Anne’s Soho pays tribute to Bishop Keith Riglin


On Sunday 24th September, St Anne’s Church, Soho, shared the sad news that its former Assistant Priest, the Rt Revd Dr Keith Riglin, Bishop of Argyll and The Isles in the Scottish Episcopal Church, had passed away.

Born in 1957, Keith spent much of his life serving God in London, having originally been ordained as a Baptist minister in Harrow. Before his ordination in the Diocese of London, he went on to be a Chaplain at the University of Bath and lecturer in church history and philosophy of religion at United Theological College of West Indies in Jamaica.

In 2008, Keith was ordained as a deacon by the Bishop of London and served his curacy as associate vicar at St Clement’s Church, Notting Dale, and St James’ Church, Norlands, in Notting Hill. He later become honorary chaplain at St Paul’s Cathedral from 2010, honorary assistant priest at St Anne’s Church, Soho, from 2016, and at St Mary le Strand from 2017. He was also chaplain at King’s College London, during which he also served as Assistant Dean (2017-20) and Vice-Dean (2020-21).

In 2019, Keith became Two Cities Area Director of Ordinands. Then, in 2021, he was consecrated Bishop of Argyll and The Isles, having held Permission to Officiate in the Diocese since 2012.

The Bishop of London, The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally, said:

“Bishop Keith was a friend to many across our Diocese. We are grateful for his ministry and friendship. Our sympathy and prayers are with his wife, Jen, his family, friends and all those across the Church of England and Scottish Episcopal Church who worked with him. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.”

Revd Simon Buckley, Rector of St Anne’s Church, Soho, said:

“Keith filled St Anne’s with prayerful joy and loved this parish, congregation and the whole community. He never ceased to champion this church, and he was the most supportive and encouraging colleague that any parish priest could ever wish to have.”

“My deepest sympathies go to his wife, Jen, and to his daughters; to one another at St Anne’s and to the chaplaincy at King’s College London, as well as to The Diocese of Argyll and The Isles where he was their bishop for too short a time. We have lost a gifted priest, a dear friend and mentor, a faithful and joyful brother in Christ.

“May he rest in the peace of the Christ he sought to serve. Into your hands O Lord, we commend his spirit.”