The Benefits of Online Music Lessons


Learning to play an instrument has plenty of benefits and is something that appeals to many of us. Unfortunately, most of us have busy lives, and taking up a new hobby isn’t something that we’ve all got time to do. The growth of online music lessons means that music is more accessible and that it’s easier than ever to learn around your other commitments. Some people worry that learning online won’t be the same as in-person classes, but it has plenty of benefits of its own. Here’s a look at them.


One of the biggest reasons that people choose to take online guitar lessons is the flexibility that it offers. When you learn to play an instrument via online lessons you can learn at times to suit you, from home, without having to travel. This can make the whole process much easier and is particularly appealing to busy people.

The Freedom to Make Mistakes

Even though most face-to-face lessons are one on one, we can still feel nervous when we’re sat opposite someone. For some people, these nerves affect their ability to play and learn, as they are always worried about making mistakes. Somehow, learning online can seem to put up a barrier between you and your teacher. This can give you a sense of freedom, stop you from worrying about mistakes and help you to enjoy your lessons.


Most of us are more comfortable at home. You’ll be able to find a quiet corner that is free from distractions, sit in a comfortable chair, and make yourself a hot drink.

Access to Great Teachers

When you learn in person, you are limited to music teachers that live near your home or workplace. When you learn online you can learn from anyone in the world. This means access to better teachers, but also teachers that you can work well with.

Record Your Lessons

Thanks to things like screen sharing, it’s incredibly easy to record your online lessons. This gives you the chance to watch them back, learn from your mistakes or practice the skills that you’ve learned more before your next lesson. Online lessons might also mean that your instructor offers more online resources, like pre-recorded lessons and other videos.

You Won’t Be Rushed

Fitting in lessons can be hard. You might be in a rush to get to your lesson after work, which means that you never feel fully prepared or settled. Learning from the comfort of your home means that there’s no travel time and that you can start your lessons fully prepared and unrushed.

A Chance to Enjoy the Benefits of Music

Of course, learning to play an instrument online still has many of the benefits of in-person classes, and playing instruments in general. These include:

Music relieves stress.
Learning something new is an exercise for your brain andcan help to prevent cognitive decline.
Improved mood and mental health.
A confidence boost.
Improved memory.

Learning to play an instrument online can be great fun and an effective way to learn a new skill. Bringing music into your life can have many benefits and is certainly something that you should consider.