Useful Tips That You Need To Know If You Are Struggling With Acne


Are you struggling with acne? You are not alone. Most people between eleven and thirty years of age struggle with acne, although acne can affect people of any age. It is at times difficult to identify what can work well for you, but with patience and several tries, you can discover one among the many treatments in the market that can work for you. There are also other strategies you can use to manage acne. They range from providing relief to your skin after acne breakouts, infection prevention, scarring, and discoloration. These are the useful tips that you need to know if you are struggling with acne:

Maintain a Clean Skin

If you are struggling with acne you must put in place a skin care routine. Gently clean your skin to prevent your acne from getting worse. Ensure you wash your face in the morning and before going to bed. Use some warm water, mild soap, and gentle cleansers to clean your face. Anytime you sweat, wash your face to prevent pores clogging, as it can worsen the bacteria-causing acne. After workouts or any tiring activities, clean your entire body to wash off the sweat and any excess oils which may encourage the emergence of more acne. Do not go to bed with your makeup as makeup can clog your skin pores creating a suitable environment for bacteria that cause acne to thrive.

Always Tackle the Swelling First

To tackle the acne swell use some salicylic acid cleanser to remove any excess oil on your skin, although you should also consider your type of skin, if you have dry skin, you should only use this cleanser on the blemish and maintain your normal cleaner on the rest of your body. Dermatologists also recommend applying a cold press to shrink a cystic pimple, you can apply some ice on the blemish to help constrict the blood vessels in that particular area. You can wrap an ice cube in a towel and hold the towel against the acne bump. It can reduce redness and reduce the swelling.  Icing the bump three times every hour in fifteen minutes intervals can effectively shrink the bump. Wash your face before icing it if it’s the place with the acne bump. If you have whiteheads you can use a warm compressor instead and use the same procedure.

Consult a Dermatologist

Should you fail to manage your acne using OTCs and home remedies, you can consult dermatologist like Dr Victoria Cosmetics Clinic to advise you on the best treatment for your acne. Your skin expert can give you injections or specific drugs like cortisols to help reduce the swelling, redness and ultimately kill the acne-causing bacteria. Your dermatologist can also use laser therapy on you to clear the acne. He/she can also recommend some gels and lotion for your skin. The experts can drain and extract the acne cysts from your body if that shall be the best remedy. If your acne is resistant to all other treatments, your experts shall give you isotretinoin.

Try Over-The-Counter Drugs

There are many OTC drugs you can find over the counter to help you relieve your acne. These drugs are available in many forms including gels, lotions, wipes, mild soaps, and creams. Choose one that interests you although you need to take precautions to avoid worsening your acne state. Check if the treatment you choose has effective ingredients like sulfur, salicylic acid, resorcinol, and benzoyl peroxide. Also, ensure you clean your face before applying this medication to open up skin pores and encourage deeper penetration. Read the manufacturer’s usage instructions and adhere to them religiously. Patience is important in the management of acne using this medication. Ensure you are aware of all the possible side effects of the treatment you are using to manage acne so that you know when things are not alright.

There are many useful tips for you if are struggling with severe acne.  Sometimes depending on your skin type, exposure to the sun can irritate your skin encouraging bacterial activities that may cause acne. Other acne treatments can also make your skin more susceptible to harmful rays so anytime you are using acne treatments check if it has warnings about exposure to the sun. Avoid being too-hands-on the areas with acne to avoid adding more germs. Avoid causing friction on the body parts with acne. Acne can be stubborn and therefore you have to go slow on the different treatments you shall use. Avoid picking your acne bumps as you can end up irritating the skin and creating a suitable environment for bacterial activities which may result in more acne. At times let your skin heal naturally but know when to talk to your dermatologist.