What are the Fire Safety Measures needed in Buildings for Fire Prevention Today?


There are two different types of safety measures that need to find their way inside buildings, in order to prevent fires and to fight them, whenever they happen. The first ones are physical, and the second are safety measures that are thought or indicated to the people that work inside them. Here is a list of safety measures that need to be accounted for.

Physical Safety Measures

When architects draw buildings, they keep in mind that elements should be placed together to protect individuals against the risks of fire. It starts with trying to make it so that it won’t happen, but if it ever did, the way that the rooms are separated, one form the other, would ensure safety to those inside. It often initiates in the way they design a glass facade system, to the use of these same glass panels, in order to create transparent walls inside the building. In fact, the use of aluminium windows in the façade system can greatly improve the risks against fire.

To these measures, we need to add the usual suspects, in the fight against fire. We are talking about a fire alarm system, in the first place. It will need to be connected to sprinklers everywhere, in an attempt to stop any fire that would take place, rapidly. There also needs to be fire extinguishers ready to be used, all over the building. There are a series of rules and regulations regarding fire safety in commercial buildings, that should be reviewed yearly by the managers of the property or these can be enforced by hiring fire watch guards so that all physical elements are present, at all times, inside their building. Exit Signs are certainly part of those, and need to be found everywhere, on every floor.

Good Habits in Fire Prevention

When you work inside a commercial building, you have to be responsible for everyone’s safety – not only yours. That is why there are a series of good habits that everyone needs to worry about, if they want to keep a secured environment for all. It starts with not accumulating paper trash, everywhere. There needs to be one bin where paper is collected in order to be recycled later on. This should not be close to a door, which would make it a perfect fire nest.

Today, it is not legal, in most countries, to smoke inside buildings. However, it should be noted that the location outside dedicated to that purpose, needs to be equipped with containers to put away cigarette butts, and there should be no flammable materials on site.

All extension cords being used must be of industrial grade and grounded at all times. Whenever one is not in use, it should be turned off. The power strips should be listed as UL and contain a built-in circuit breaker. Also, all electrical appliances need to be GFCI protected.

Preventative Inspections & Maintenance

Inspections need to be done regularly on all the physical aspects related to fire prevention in the building. All the elements, such as fire extinguishers, exit lights and sprinklers, need to be tested to make sure that they are all in good functioning order.