What you need to know before relocating to the UK


Thinking of moving to England, Scotland, or Wales? Weather the pandemic has given you a lust for adventure or you’re moving in search of varied work, there are plenty of reasons to choose the UK.

Whether you’re moving from the EU or the United States, you’ll inevitably need to meet certain requirements and choose the most suitable way to settle in the UK. And if you’re planning to work or study after you arrive, it’s always worth knowing a few core details before you start the process.

Why move to the United Kingdom?

As one of the most economically productive countries in the world, The United Kingdom offers something for everyone. London, England’s capital, now has an estimated population of almost nine million, making it a financial and cultural centre that competes closely with other major world cities.

Elsewhere, the UK offers incredible opportunities for students, professionals, and families alike. From bustling towns and quaint villages nestled on the borders of the many National Parks, where you choose to settle will define your experience.

There are key driving forces behind the millions of permanent moves made to the UK. These include:

1. Healthcare

The United Kingdom offers a healthcare system that provides access to everyone based on clinical need and urgency, with no obligation to pay. No matter your age, immigration status, or nationality, you will be entitled to free and comprehensive medical services. Primary care, emergency treatment and psychiatric admissions are all included.

2. Cost of living

Local areas vary in affordability. Some of the most expensive places to raise a family in the UK are defined not just by high house prices, which we’ve covered below, but generally high costs in other areas too. It’s worth doing your research first to find out the expected costs of groceries, utilities, and other amenities in your potential new hometown.

3. Housing market

Finding a house in the UK is difficult, but not impossible.

That’s because average house prices are rising every yearwhile wages stay the same. One of the main hurdles faced by first-time buyers is the rising inflation rate, leading to costly mortgages and high upfront demands for deposits. Securing a mortgage from your chosen bank is integral, so it’s important to learn how to build your credit history before you move to the UK.

4. Transport

No matter where you move to, it’s highly likely that getting around will be simplified by the wide array of transport options on offer in the UK. The extensive rail network coversevery region and offers frequent high-speed or local services to major towns and cities. On the roads, motorways and main routes offer a direct solution to daily travel by car or bus.

5. Weather

If you’ve moving from a Mediterranean or Californian climate, you might feel a little bit shocked by the weather in the UK. The climate is maritime and moist, with significant precipitation that ranges all the way up to 1,400mm per year. In other words, you should expect some rain – but the sunny days are pleasant and plentiful too.


Life in the United Kingdom can be difficult to understand at first, but once you arrive, you’ll feel a warm welcome immediately. There are plenty of accessible services, but affordability can be a problem for all residents. Before you finalise your plans, make sure you’re confident about your credit score, budget, and savings.