Which App Is The Best For Takeaway Order In The Battle Between Deliveroo, Just Eat And UberEats


Modern life can be so hectic. It’s not surprising that people get takeaway food so frequently. Delivery services such as Deliveroo, Just Eat and UberEats give you the convenience of ordering food while doing other relaxing activities.

All major delivery services have a mobile app which allows you to place your order and have it delivered within minutes. The question does arise, though: which of the three major providers is the best?

This article will look at the perks and negative aspects of these services. We hope to make it easier for you to decide which takeaway service you’ll be using in the future!


This service was established in 2013 in the UK, by Will Shu. It has since grown to become an international operation, available in several countries. The company’s main objective is providing a wide selection of takeaway choices that can deliver within 30 minutes or less.

Deliveroo makes use of predictive technology to improve its efficiency. Their powerful algorithm assists with streamlining the delivery process, reducing delivery times. This is beneficial to the drivers, who can increase their earnings by doing more deliveries.

It’s also beneficial to the restaurants, who can increase their sales as well. As for customers, they can receive their food much faster. Some opt for fast food, as we mentioned in a recent article, Brits consume more highly processed food than those in any other nation in Europe, meaning that Britain has one of the highest obesity rates in Europe.

The app available for this service is easy to use, with a map that tracks your location. The selection of restaurants and offers provided is slightly more extensive than that of its competitors.

Just Eat

This delivery service was founded in Denmark in 2001. It now operates in several European countries, as well as New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and certain South American countries. Just Eat gives clients over 100 types of cuisine to choose from. At the same time, it aims to assist restaurants optimize their operations.

They have a simple set of core values, including frankness, passion, innovation, and teamwork. These form the basis of their company’s philosophy.  The app is user-friendly and allows you to track your order. You can also leave a review or rating once your food arrives.


This delivery service is the newest of the major three. It was founded in the United States in 2014, by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp. It’s a subsidiary of its parent company, Uber, and uses similar GPS technology for its deliveries. UberEats is available in multiple countries across all five continents, from America to Africa.

According to Betway insider, Uber Eats is available in over 6,000 cities across 45 countries and per capita, was searched for the most in Taiwan. Not so surprising when taking into account that using the app involves a simple three-step process. The first step is browsing the restaurants and selecting your meal of choice. Once you’ve decided, you can check out your order details. Your delivery time and price will be visible. You then select “Place Order” to confirm and can then track your food as it makes its way to you.

Making life easy

Each service mentioned has unique benefits. In terms of food choices, Deliveroo tops the list as they offer not just takeaways, but restaurant food as well. Just Eat tends to do its deliveries at a faster pace, resulting in hotter and more appetizing food for the customer with

In most countries where UberEats is available, there’s no minimum value order, which benefits those who only want to order a small meal. So, determining which delivery app is best, eventually comes down to personal preference, and which unique point you value most as a customer. Bon appétit!