Yogisuperpug is taking TikTok by storm with his cute videos post-lockdown


Yogi, an adorable pug from the UK has become a breakout star on TikTok thanks to his lockdown mischief and viral cute videos on his new channel Yogisuperpug.

The 4-year-old pug and his owner Justin launched their adorable video channel on TikTok during the height of the lockdown to share smiles, laughter and cute videos to the world while everyone was staying at home. After deciding to launch the channel earlier this year, Justin soon realised his young pug was becoming a global star with every new video racking up thousands of views and comments.

Since lockdown, the channel has grown to over 100,000 followers, with dog lovers, owners and young TikTok users in admiration of young Yogi’s adorable videos, whether he’s eating ice cream or wearing the latest dog fashion.

For Yogi, it’s just the beginning of an exciting social media career, and the young pug has already landed major brand deals through TikTok, with its exponential growth in 2020. He is also the face of a new charitable campaign with The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association, helping them to encourage pet adoptions post-lockdown and inspiring others to consider adopting pets that have been left without a home during COVID-19.

Thanks to a simple idea, and sharing original videos from home on social media, Justin and Yogi have risen to prominence with TikTok enabling the Yogisuperpug channel to go viral, helping it reach millions of users around the world. Celebrities have also taken note, with some of the biggest TikTok stars sharing the viral cuteness with their fans. Could it get any better?

To discover Yogi’s latest videos you can visit his website and follow him on TikTok or Instagram. Have you got a pug at home?