7 Awesome Award Ceremony Ideas


It’s no secret that everyone loves a great award show. Award ceremonies play a crucial role in boosting morale and public relations across various industries in business. Whether you’re hosting a worker appreciation event or a major public awards ceremony, it’s always necessary to try unique ideas to make your event stand out. Here are seven awesome ideas to try for your next award ceremony.

  1. Select the right host and format

Your award ceremony’s format will largely depend on the type of awards you intend to give. A ceremony honouring scholarship recipients will likely be a formal dinner or gala, with fewer jokes and more emphasis on the award recipients. On the other hand, ceremonies honouring creative achievements must be more dramatic and light-hearted. Therefore, you should hire the right host perfect for your event’s format to make it a success. 

  1. Hire a live painter

These days, many event organizers are hiring live painters to make their events more fun, so you can try it too. The artist must create a unique work of art on stage while recipients are receiving their awards. The artwork can either be an impression of the event or an abstract piece, which the top award recipient should take home afterwards.

  1. Have a themed menu

A themed menu is another exciting idea for your award ceremony that you can try out to make your event more engaging. You can opt for a classic dinner party, dress-up, or a college throwback theme for your dinner party based on your preferences. However, keep things consistent throughout the party and ensure that meals are appropriately paced out for the ceremony’s length.

  1. Hide surprises under the seats

Audiences love surprises, and there are fewer ways to make one go crazy than asking them to search under their seats for unexpected gifts. However, it’s essential to put great thought into your gift choice to make it a worthwhile surprise. Also, it’d be best to ensure that the venue’s seats have hidden pockets to successfully conceal gifts, ensuring your audience won’t discover them as soon as they sit.

  1. Livestream the event

Live streaming is a popular trend for events nowadays, so it’s a great idea to live-stream your occasion. It’s especially essential for industry ceremonies that are open to the public. Company awards that include employees from various places must also be live streamed to allow people who can’t attend to be a part of the experience.

  1. Invest in good trophies

Also, it’d help if you put great thought and effort into the awards that recipients will be taking home to make your event remarkable. Although it may cost more, recipients will feel more valued and proud to take home their awards. Sleek, engraved trophies and plaques from experts like The Engraving People are great options for corporate awards.

These can be customized to reflect the company’s branding and delivered in a timely manner to ensure that they are ready for the event. Plus, with so many quality and cheap award plaques available in the market, you can find affordable options that still look elegant and professional. Whether it’s for an employee recognition program or a team competition, investing in good trophies will make your event stand out.

  1. Have an Audience Choice Awards surprise

It’d be best to decide early on how you’ll determine your award recipients, whether by a panel of judges or voting. However, you can introduce a unique twist into the event by having an audience choice award decided through real-time voting during the show to make it more engaging.