Finding a lost friends or relatives in Germany by their name and location

Map of the world with a magnifying glass on a map of Germany Detailed map of Germany and neighboring countries in the magnifying glass.

As time passes, our ties with other people tend to wither away – especially in times like these where human contact is severely limited. Because of this, you might get out of touch with people you once loved or had fun with, losing them from your lives. However, if there is someone you miss and wish you had contact with, don’t worry – there are ways you can still find that person.

If any of your friends or relatives live in Germany, there is an easy way to find them based on their name and location. Don’t give up hope yet, you might just restore your relations with them! To find out how to do that, keep on reading this article on how to find your lost close ones who live in Germany.

Prepare all the necessary information

When trying to find people in Germany, there are certain pieces of information you will first need to prepare in order for your search to be successful. The more you know about the person you want to find the better, as the chances of actually finding someone increase based on the amount of information you have about them. When preparing the information for your search, make sure you have the following:

Name and surname
Address or last known location
A photograph
Date and place of birth
Contact details, such as phone number, e-mail address, social media profiles, etc.

Remember, the more information you have about your lost friend or relative, the higher the chances of actually finding them. Searching for people in Germany isn’t a difficult process to try out, but actually finding who you’re looking for may take some information to fill in, so try to recollect as much as you can.

Here’s an additional tip – when looking for someone’s name, make sure you try to type it in their native language, as well as in German. In some cases, this might actually help you find the person in Germany you’re looking for, as they might be known under a differently spelled name in Germany to fit in with the Latin alphabet.

Check the German register

When somebody arrives in Germany, their data must be put into either a temporary or permanent register of residence-registered people. All people who work in Germany, live in Germany, or have received refugee status in Germany are included in the register, and anyone may review the information in it. Among the most common information that is included about a person in the German register are their name, surname, date of birth, gender, address, nationality, passport details, and others.

While this is a great answer to the question “how to find someone in Germany?”, you still need to have some basic information about the one you’re looking for. There is no nation-wide register in Germany, and every federated state keeps its own one. In order to receive the information you’re looking for, you will need to know in which Land the missing person lives or has lived in a certain period of time.

For more tips on how to find people in Germany, visit us at for a variety of useful information that will help you locate who you’re looking for. With our informative guides, useful links, and a variety of proven methods, you will quickly establish contact with the ones you miss.